» Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:43 pm
Gamertag: Taug
Area of expertise: Recreational Pro
Likes: Teamwork
Dislikes: Hackers, glitchers, powerlevelers
I live in the middle of the U.S. in Oklahoma and I enjoy running & gunning. I enjoy playing for fun, although I always try and do my best and give people a run for their money. I wouldn't say I'm the best, but I'm pretty darn good, ex: I once played a Highrise TD against 6 of my buddies and won. My K/D was only like 100/80, but the point is I still won. :celebration:
I also intentionally like challenging myself, and you'll frequently see me running into Free for Alls in CoD without stopping power or ninja pro and using a single shot weapon to see how well I do.