Brinks community is becoming toxic.

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:08 pm

I think that the advantage of the one game mode is that it already includes some variety; even though it's one mode it plays differently on each map. I think that the best mode to add would be one that builds on the objective system already built into the game. I think the main advantage to an objective system is that it concentrates the fighting without having to shrink the maps. IMO the best way to add more variety would be either to add more maps with new objectives, or to create a mode which reorganizes the objectives (like warzone from KZ).
For proof that you don't need all the traditional modes TDM, CTF, etc look no farther than an incredibly popular FPS released a year ago: BC2. Yes I know BC2 had squad deathmatch but that was one of the least played modes.

The big idea that needs to be understood is that the game follows the vision the developers intended. The entire game was developed to have certain features and no matter how much it's discussed by the players, the creators know best.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:17 am

The game is great. Really fun to play. Took a little while to grow on me but it gave me the variety I needed to expand my gaming experience beyond Battle Field, Medal of Honor, Lost Planet, Socom, Uncharted, Call of Duty, Killzone and Homefront. Granted not all the games I mensioned are liked by many of you but i found them fun and never compared the make of the games just the enjoyment they brought. Sorry for being cheesy...
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:45 am

Exactly the point, it will still be a race of kills, but with the command posts it adds that little brink twist to it. And to add to the funs, it would be cool if the command posts spawn in random locations, but always the same distance from eachother.

That little explosive power may not give them the edge, but the unlimited supply of ammo surely would.

Medics will still be used because it prevents the other team from scoring, and can provide plenty of useful boosts.

It's still not TDM, it's more akin to CoD's HQ mode, and that's only assuming that they would put CPs in if they added a deathmatch.

With CPs unlimited ammo loses a great deal of appeal because those that care would be defending their CP, and the CP gives out ammo. And most medics don't even play that way in the game now, as many seem to play to buff themselves or only show up (in over abundance) on escort missions.

I'm fine with a "dueling objective" mode (CTF, KotH, etc.) but it needs to be deeper than a basic TDM to be worth the effort.

The best thing about such threads is that the whining crew ala "it`s not COD and all the other lalalala" doesn`t realize that these are things that need to be done to keep the numbers of player in a way constant. At the moment the Playerbase ist getting smaller and smaller. To be true, there is only one gamemode and this one isn`t really working like it should.

What you don't seem to realize is that adding such a mode doesn't mean more people to play with in the modes that the "whining crew", as you put it, wants to be playing. It means a bunch of players playing the TDM mode and ignoring the other modes or playing them as if they were TDM (or usually just a FFA even though you only have to shoot half the players), exactly as it happens in CoD.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:06 am

So if you do not add these modes people will be playing the game like it`s supposed to be, not really. Just for you once again, Brink is a FPS like any other, the only difference is that you claim Brink is something complete other but it is not, sorry to say that.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:34 pm

For proof that you don't need all the traditional modes TDM, CTF, etc look no farther than an incredibly popular FPS released a year ago: BC2. Yes I know BC2 had squad deathmatch but that was one of the least played modes.

The big idea that needs to be understood is that the game follows the vision the developers intended. The entire game was developed to have certain features and no matter how much it's discussed by the players, the creators know best.

^^agreed ^^
Okay , So obviously comparisons are going to be made to other games within the FPS genre since brinks whole shtick up to release and after has been about things that are wrong in other gametypes within the genre, the devs said "these are the ideals of the game we're making and we're going to stick to our guns."

We all can agree 100percent ,brink could use some more modes,maps and community .....but to suggest modes that go against the core concept and principles of what the game was designed to do makes it seem like the concept of what the game is supposed to be was lost on the person suggesting other modes .

Its really simple to me , brinks negative release issues has not helped the community grow ,and for it to grow it needs to adopt some other objective team based gametypes , but if people are suggesting a game mode that is based off counting kills and non teamplay aspects then they fail to see how damaging that is to the core gameplay aspects of the game and the community that was formed here based off the ideals of working as a team.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:04 am

omg, The game is not designed for TDM. Sure?
This is a FPS, First person shooter, saying you will shoot people otherwhise you can play FIFA or else if you don`t want to shoot people. Sounds dumb, but yes you need to shoot the enemy to get to your objective. So if you don`t think this is right try to do so without shooting and have fun. BFBC2 is also objective based. In order to win a game you need to get to the mcoms and blow them up. The only difference is that in Brink you have a timer and BFBC2 counts the kills if you are defender. They could also insert a timer so stop talking this is a objecitve based game.Yes, it`s just that simple, change the timer with an counter on kills and it`s done.

The really big problem is that fanboyish lalalala, play another game if you`re not lucky, this is not COD, .....
I do like Brink, but hell where is the problem having one or two other gamemodes like CTF or TDM just to have some variety? If you`re wondering why people stop playing Brink, it`s because you`re all sitting on your ears and whining about your objective based game.

there is no problem really rock.. i would rather leave the game the way it is just like the rest of the FPS community like Cod the way it is... the game doesn't need TDM period.. you basically are doing it for less xp. yes, you are right about killing regardless but that is not the focus which makes it tolerable since there is an OBJECTIVE involved. do not say you like or love the game if you add BUT in your sentences.. you like it for what it is.. or you do not.. the complaints are there cuz people need to vent so vent and move on.. i'm going to keep playing.. so will others.

this isn't directly about you rock i am just saying my part. kill your way to the objective, done. CTF..... you do realize capturing the command posts are basically that right?... it's just that no one cares to stay there while there are other things to do... CTF isn't really that appealing to me anyways, i like to be able to capture, fireall/upgrade, then leave and come back later if i have time or recapture it again. nothing in this game is meant to be taken seriously, just have fun with your freedom of choice and play how you want. i can't do that in games like call of duty, it's all run, gun, die..respawn.. nothing else.. o wait.. camp.. snipe.. die..respawn.. ok thanks. i would like to die differently since it's inevitable.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:28 pm

Its really simple to me , brinks negative release issues has not helped the community grow ,and for it to grow it needs to adopt some other objective team based gametypes , but if people are suggesting a game mode that is based off counting kills and non teamplay aspects then they fail to see how damaging that is to the core gameplay aspects of the game and the community that was formed here based off the ideals of working as a team.

And I say again, its not like you can't use team work in a team deathmatch game. In any game Ive played a team that worked together as a unit always beat a team of lone wolves. Why would Brink be any different?
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:00 pm

So if you do not add these modes people will be playing the game like it`s supposed to be, not really. Just for you once again, Brink is a FPS like any other, the only difference is that you claim Brink is something complete other but it is not, sorry to say that.

people are going to play it how they want. i have already seen DM/TDM type gameplay at certain maps like container city while security is getting slaughtered at the pier. THAT, is not the problem... people are suggesting they should ADD a SEPERATE MODE that is already being PLAYED in game with OBJECTIVES involved anyway... why waste time on it if you can do it regardless?

while you guys are TDM/DMing.. me and like minded gamers are flanking you guys plus making it hard for you to focus on whatever it is you're doing. i like people who are just about DM and just staying near objectives, it allows people like me to go off the side and do other things in game hardly anyone cares about ,but are important for the TEAM to win... getting MOST KILLS award means nothing if you lose.. well that's just me.

tell me , is there a way to play a TDM/DM, objectively?.. if so i'd like to read about it... otherwise i cannot see any other objectives other than kill randomA,B,C,D until time runs out.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:34 pm

It's still not TDM, it's more akin to CoD's HQ mode, and that's only assuming that they would put CPs in if they added a deathmatch.

With CPs unlimited ammo loses a great deal of appeal because those that care would be defending their CP, and the CP gives out ammo. And most medics don't even play that way in the game now, as many seem to play to buff themselves or only show up (in over abundance) on escort missions.

I'm fine with a "dueling objective" mode (CTF, KotH, etc.) but it needs to be deeper than a basic TDM to be worth the effort.

What you don't seem to realize is that adding such a mode doesn't mean more people to play with in the modes that the "whining crew", as you put it, wants to be playing. It means a bunch of players playing the TDM mode and ignoring the other modes or playing them as if they were TDM (or usually just a FFA even though you only have to shoot half the players), exactly as it happens in CoD.

Exactly, why turn brink into 'another shooter" when it can be the goto game for something different that "another shooter" does NOT have? not being accurate with the statistics so i am just going to type an example, half the poepl who complain want this game to be like the one they got bored of while they wait for their sequel.. the other half are complaining about the game itself and suggesating improvements that will help it not make it into "another shoooter 1.5"

TDM/DM is out.. i wouldn't have bought this game if it did... i stopped playing COD after MW1... it is obvious why.. just look at the sequels. i bought borderlands and brink... it should be obvious why i chose those games. there are other who may have similar reasons and of course the ones who complain cuz it is not what they usually play but it is a new game and they want that new game rush but same format...
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:04 am

And I say again, its not like you can't use team work in a team deathmatch game. In any game Ive played a team that worked together as a unit always beat a team of lone wolves. Why would Brink be any different?

Look i'm not saying it cant work , but more its more likely that most people wont play that way and it would effect the objective modes in the game........your team might be an exception to the rule here.

kz3 would be a good example of how a tdm mode destroyed the objective based mode structure of the game, i remember playing warzone the objective based mode in kz3 and having lone wolf types completely ignoring the objectives and just running and gunning for kills ,even when there picked as the assassination target they'd run to the front lines to grab more kills only to be shot immediately losing the match for the team.........i lost a few clutch matches because of that.....incredibly frustrating, especially since they have a completely seperate tdm mode in kz3 and they still jumped into objective modes .
literally i heard people say this several times from randoms in my team-" dude, i dont even know what i'm supposed to be doing i just run around and shoot people." cmon man really!?<<< thats an example of 1 person destroying the game for everyone else.

To expand on the point, TDM/CTF/SND all exist in the game already, kill the other team as a team to complete the objectives to win.

Honestly i totally support what you're saying about expanding the gameplay ,community and reaching out , its great , and if someone can suggest any mode that encourages tactics/ teamwork and doesnt contradict the principles of the way the game was meant to be played-as a team , then please add it on.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:24 am

After 8 years since ET release there's still servers running and people playing that game with ONE game mode and 6 original maps.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:27 am

Just my 2 cents here:

I don't think Brink should have classic TDM. Not every shooter has TDM. IIRC TF2 does not have a straight up TDM and that's because it's an objective based shooter (albeit in a different manner to Brink). I think the best it has in an Arena mode (added years after release) where everyone gets 1 life and last team standing wins. I don't think that fits Brink either (especially since we're so squishy in Brink).
I'm happy with the current game mode. I'm also happy if they add some other game modes that suit Brink. I'm a lot less happy if they start showing k/d stats. The whole stat thing changes the game a lot and I've seen another game I really enjoyed destroyed by stats as noone want's to play the objective, they just want to maintain a good k/d (which leads to pub stomping and team stacking which turn off many players and kills the community).

Saying "Brink is an FPS and therefore should incorporate any FPS things" is a kind of false comparison. It's a bit like saying "A Ferrarri is a motor vehicle and a Humvee is a motor vehicle so why don't Humvees race in F1?" Each has it's place and needs to be used appropriately. I mean Portal was an FPS too but I don't think TDM would work there either.

Classic TDM "feels" wrong in Brink. Some sort of objective TDM could work (although in my eyes that's what the game is now). Personally I'd rather they worked on more maps for the variety than new game modes.

As for the original "Toxic" reference: I think some people from both sides of the fence are toxic. There seems to be a lot of trolling and baiting going on. A lot of people can't put forth a good argument or discussion in a civil manner without breaking down to name calling and ad hominem attacks, and that's not just people criticising the game. That being said, a lot of the complaint threads could really be better written to invite more discussion rather than just ranting and venting (which is kinda counterintuitive on a forum which is provide specifically for discussion).

Ranting invites flaming and negative discussion. A well written criticism invites self reflection.
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anna ley
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:08 am

I like the arguement

"Many times people are not doing the objectives anyway so we might as well have TDM since some maps devolve into it anyway."

So because a child always wants McDonalds we should just always give him McDonalds?

The idea of TDM in Brink is like adding PvP to a PvE only MMORPG. Or having a really story driven game and tossing in a weak Multiplayer mode. Just cause you CAN do something does not make things better by doing so.
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:59 am

If they took out all objectives and added perks like commando, ninja and marathon that'd be awesumzz.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:15 am

Bugs and glitches aside, I love the existing format of Brink - the most fun I've had in an FPS since the original Call of Duty (the one with maps based on episodes of Band of Brothers).

I honestly don't understand why so many people hold such vitriolic contempt for anyone that doesn't agree with their personal opinions.

Personally, and I mean in a few months time, I wouldn't object to other game modes. My reason for this is (surprise surprise) entirely selfish... I don't want to have to install lots of different games so that I can play alternative game modes when I feel like it. I want to have my cake and eat it, and I want Brink to deliver the goods for me. But whether or not that'll ever become a reality is a different kettle of fish.

My wishlist would include something like...

* A "Parkour This" mode for the online maps - something that would give you a challenge to hit checkpoints before the timer runs out... maybe even a multiplayer parkour race across a map (it's up to each competitor which path he chooses to take to each checkpoint).

* Some form of game mode that allows for a less linear use of maps, - Some form of death match would actually make this possible... nothing too diverse - no kill/death stats but just a winning team and a losing one... I'd even settle for it in only single player with bots (I'm talking about personal enjoyment here, not for a minute suggesting this would be better than what we already got, but merely an extra option for people like me that don't want to fill their hard drives with tons of games).

That said, the first thing I want is for the existing game to run properly before other modes are considered... people screaming for modes right now must be more patient and people hating anybody that dares to suggest additional game modes need to be more tolerant... after all, additional game modes are exactly that - additional - they will not replace what we already have, so to get in a rage over simply the thought of them is a bit ridiculous.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:29 pm

i remember pre-release this place was much more active :shakehead: It's sad how much its dwindled down.

Meh, that's just natural. People are all excited... until a game actually comes out.
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carley moss
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:35 pm

...Personally, and I mean in a few months time, I wouldn't object to other game modes. My reason for this is (surprise surprise) entirely selfish... I don't want to have to install lots of different games so that I can play alternative game modes when I feel like it. I want to have my cake and eat it, and I want Brink to deliver the goods for me. But whether or not that'll ever become a reality is a different kettle of fish.


...That said, the first thing I want is for the existing game to run properly before other modes are considered... people screaming for modes right now must be more patient and people hating anybody that dares to suggest additional game modes need to be more tolerant... after all, additional game modes are exactly that - additional - they will not replace what we already have, so to get in a rage over simply the thought of them is a bit ridiculous.

A good post sir. New game modes could be very cool and you bring up a few interesting ones.
As you say: in a few months. My only concern with adding modes "willynilly" is that they water down the flavour of the game. If they suit Brink's style then I'm happy. Parkour races would be cool. But to be honest ET:QW still has one game mode and that game mode is still awesomesauces. I don't think Brink _needs_ more game modes but having some wouldn't neccisarily be a bad thing.

I hope to see you on the Ark sir.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:07 am

So because a child always wants McDonalds we should just always give him McDonalds?

I agree 100%! While I know gaming is a business, but at the same time many of us consider it an art form. So if you look at it from that stand point, if Leonardo wanted to paint the Mona Lisa a different way, than that was his choice. Sure it may not have been as popular (maybe not at all), but that was his choice. The developers made it clear before the game came out that they didn't want DM/TDM or people only concerned with k/d. So shouldn't the developer get to make the game that they want to make? I have talked to so many people who knew that it wasn't going to include those things, bought it, then complained about it not having them b/c they hoped they would still be good at it. When they tried to play it like CoD (which I hate to bring up) they failed, so they complained. In reality they should have just rented it first, so many games wouldn't be bashed if people didn't pre-order. People are strapped for cash these days, when they buy something then don't like it they blame others when they need to take responsibilty. Yes you take the risk of beating a game during the rental, but honestly if it that's short or something you aren't into, you should be glad you only had to spend $5 instead of $60.

If every game just went around throwing options around, one it would take forever, two every game would be alike. Just like MW3 and Battlefield 3 both being released within 1 week of each other. Who wants 2 games almost exactly the same at the same time? It's hard enough to make an original game these days without having to cater to the masses. That's the same reason why they're trying to implement MP in Mass Effect which is the dumbest idea ever.

I do understand the "toxic" point. However, it's b/c most ppl are just bashing b/c they want something different than what Brink is, when they should be playing another game that's great, but needs more ppl. There's not going to be TDM/DM or K/D so people should just stop asking, they didn't want it in the game. They wanted to avoid having all the types of players who just run around going I'm better than you b/c my stats says so :P Also in other games like CoD where they have objective base modes, TDM/DM ppl still play and take advantage of the fact that ppl are focusing on objectives, to raise thier stats.

If they took out all objectives and added perks like commando, ninja and marathon that'd be awesumzz.

That's what I mean/hate! They already have a game that includes all of that, it's called CoD. I don't want Brink: The Call of Duty Edition. That's not trying to make Brink better at all, it's just wanting a different game all together, which is what you should be playing. Which is fine, once in awhile I don't mind playing some DM of some kind, which is why I own other games. They make many different games for a reason, b/c ppl don't wanna play the same games over and over.
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