Brittlewind, Berserk andThu'um - putting it all in game.

Post » Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:41 pm

Hello there,

I am working on a simple mod that allows the player access to a small range of spells and potions based on ingame content and lore from the Bloodmoon expansion.

So far this includes the player being able to obtain the brittlewind spell that the fryse hags have, giving berserkers beserk potions (UESP says that Berserkers drink a potion which sends them berserk so it makes sense to have this) and also I want to include the Thu'um ability.

For those that dont know what the thu'um is, here is some information from the UESP and the imperial library:

Kyne, Kiss At the End

Nordic goddess of the Storm, widow of Shor, and favored god of warriors. She is often called the Mother of Men. Her daughters taught the first Nords the use of the thu'um, or Storm Voice.

"The Tongues"

The Nords have long practiced a spiritual form of magic known as "The Way of the Voice", based largely on their veneration of the Wind as the personification of Kynareth. Nords consider themselves to be the children of the sky, and the breath and the voice of a Nord is his vital essence. Through the use of the Voice, the vital power of a Nord can be articulated into a thu'um, or shout. Shouts can be used to sharpen blades or to strike enemies at a distance. Masters of the Voice are known as Tongues, and their power is legendary. They can call to specific people over hundreds of miles, and can move by casting a shout, appearing where it lands. The most powerful Tongues cannot speak without causing destruction. They must go gagged, and communicate through a sign language and through scribing runes.

In the days of the Conquest of Morrowind and the founding of the First Empire, the great Nord war chiefs - Derek the Tall, Jorg Helmbolg, Hoag Merkiller - were all Tongues. When they attacked a city, they needed no siege engines; the Tongues would form up in a wedge in front of the gatehouse, and draw in breath. When the leader let it out in a thu'um, the doors were blown in, and the axemen rushed into the city. Such were the men that forged the First Empire. But, alas for the Nords, one of the mightiest of all the Tongues, Jurgen Windcaller (or The Calm, as he is better known today), became converted to a pacifist creed that denounced use of the Voice for martial exploits. His philosophy prevailed, largely due to his unshakable mastery of the Voice -- his victory was sealed in a legendary confrontation, where The Calm is said to have "swallowed the Shouts" of seventeen Tongues of the militant school for three days until his opponents all lay exhausted (and then became his disciples). Today, the most ancient and powerful of the Tongues live secluded on the highest peaks in contemplation, and have spoken once only in living memory, to announce the destiny of the young Tiber Septim (as recounted in Cyrodiil). In gratitude, the Emperor has recently endowed a new Imperial College of the Voice in Markarth6, dedicated to returning the Way of the Voice to the ancient and honorable art of war. So it may be that the mighty deeds of the Nord heroes of old will soon be equaled or surpassed on the battlefields of the present day.

I was going to have it that the player can "learn" the spell from a book but I am unsure what effects to have as the spell. Now as the player wasnt "born" or "blessed" with the power and had to learn it from a book, I was going to make it a power (so used once a day) and have the negative effect of Silence ( so the player wont be able to case any spells for 60 seconds)

So far I had:

Thu'um's Song

- Damage Health 20-40pts on target
- Shock Damage 20-40pts on target
- Sound 20-40pts for 60 seconds on target
- Silence for 60 seconds on self

The damage health comes from the spell being able to knock people over etc... and the shock bit comes from the Thu'um also being known as Storm Voice with the sound effect acting as a deafing effect (imagine a fog horn in your ear you wouldnt hear for a short while after that!)

After the player has learnt this spell, the player can talk to a living tounge on Solsthiem ( not sure where to put him...) who see's that player has "learnt the spell" but not mastered it. Once the player is level 30 he will teach the player a new spell called Thu'um's Edge:

Thu'um's Edge

- Fortify Attack 15pts on self
- Resist Normal Weapons 15pts on Self

The fortify attack comes from Thu'um being able to sharpen blades and the Resist Normal weapons comes from the logic that if it can sharpen blades then it can dull those of your enemy as well.

For berserk I was thinking of taking the Orc ability Berserk and putting it into potion form. The UESP says this about Berserkers:

..warriors that could go into an uncontrollable rage or battle-trance, believed to come from consumption of a hallucinogenic drug....


Fortify Health Fortify Health 20pts for 60sec on Self
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 200pts for 60sec on Self
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 100pts for 60sec on Self
Drain Agility Drain Agility 100pts for 60sec on Self

Does this seem balanced?
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:36 pm

updated the first post with more info on lore, my thoughts, effects and mod info
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Post » Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:53 pm

If you're into scripting, it'd worth a try to modify mod (it's freely modificable) in order to be able to cast spells on target with it, along with replacing the included battlecry sounds with some other more according to the Tongues and Thu'um's lore (I've created a set of sounds that maybe would fit for that for my personal use, PM me if you want them). That way, using this mod as base (and it you can do it succesfully), you could hear the Thu'um's' sound, and even not having to rely into the default spellcasting system and animation.

I've already tried to add on target spells on that mod, but it doesn't to work if added the conventional way (just modifying the original spells). But maybe with some scripting they could be added.

NOTE: That mod requires MWSE.
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