I broke Brynjolf's skin tone, help please?

Post » Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:42 pm

Some time ago I followed a tut on how to make a custom follower, and while I was poking around in the CK, I thought I'd tidy up Brynjolf and remove the dirty skin. When I loaded the game, his face and neck skintone did not match at all, and I'd rather have him back to his original self instead of looking like a frankenstein experiment. The trouble is, I think I saved over the master file, but I'm not sure. It's been awhile, and I can't remember all the steps I took, and it was my first time working with CK and modding in general, so yes I'm pretty sure I made an epic newb mistake somehow.

But I thought I was in luck when today I loaded CK and then the Brynjolf file, and what CK showed me in the preview was his old appearance - but how do I get that into the game now? I've all ready had Steam do integrity checks on the game, but that didn't put Brynjolf back as he was. I'm not sure what else to do, please help?

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