To begin, I will admit that I am a little crazy. In games of this caliber, my character develops a personality and has many unscripted interactions with obscure characters in the game. Of course this all happens in my mind, and I spend a lot of time not doing anything game-wise while these interactions take place. It is the amazing detail and freedom that the game contains that allows this type of emersion into the game world. The downside of that, is that whatever happens in game that breaks from this fragile, alternate reality also shatters this immersive environment. Especially when it appears that it was a deliberate attempt. What broke this for me was the one instance that a character in the story line used the term ‘g-- d---‘. It is the one curse word that is a deal breaker for me in movies, books, and video games. Why it hurt so bad in Skyrim is this:
1. It does not fit the Elder Scrolls universe. In a world which has nine gods, it is very improbable that a curse would evolve that declared a monotheistic point of view. As in other parts of the game that I was able to brush over were references, especially during battles, when characters uttered curses that used the terms ‘gods’. While that is really not that much better, it did fit within the universe (Am I being hypocritical? Maybe). Whenever a scripter resorts to using the term ‘g.d.’ it is usually due to (one) the scripter has a limited vocabulary or mental inability to express a character’s frustration or (two) it is a purposefully scripted dialogue designed to offend a very small cross-section of the population, which leads me to my second point.
2. As it is apparent that the creators of Skyrim are neither uncreative, mentally dull, not lacking in vocabulary skills, it leaves no other option but that they wanted to take a jab at the small Christian RPG community. With all the people involved in Skyrim and the vast attention to detail, it appears that they purposefully left this reference in place, knowing that it did not fit the storyline. It is almost as if they wanted to challenge the Christian who would take offence, to see if they would compromise their beliefs in order to continue to play the game.
Well, unfortunately, I cannot compromise, and it saddens me to think that in a world, and specifically an industrial culture, that shouts “tolerance” and “don’t offend people’s religion” that they could possibly have allowed a deliberate offensive, and intolerant, attack against a minority people.
Am I a hypocrite? Well yes, in many things I am sure. In twenty-two years of military service, I have heard and said many things offensive. Did I waste my $60? Not really, I enjoyed what I got to play. Do I wish I could finish it? Most definitely, as I would love to see what amazing stories were in store. Will I play it again? Regrettably, I can not in the game’s current state. I cannot stomach the idea that someone would purposefully defame the idea of the Creator of the entire universe and the giver of such amazing grace. I lament the thought that someone would allow this one comment to remain just to make a jab at people they did not agree with.
And with that, I will make one plea to Bethesda. Please, please release an update that removes this one, offensive reference. Give this one man hope that people’s hearts aren’t as dark as it appears. I have spent 22 years of my life, some of which have been under hostile fire in foreign countries, giving to the cause of freedom; whether it is freedom of speech, religion, or lifestyle. I do not agree with all of the choices that the US Citizens have made in using these freedoms, but I still believe that they should have the choice. You have the choice to make this game and put whatever type of dialogue you want in it. I have the choice to play or not play the game. I simply ask that you allow me the privilege of playing this amazing story while not subjecting me to this one thing that offends, especially when it just does not fit, and it slanders the one who gave us the greatest of all freedoms.
Thank you for the time it took you to read this message.