I love Crysis I think it's an amazing and innovative series. I only started on Crysis 2 day 1 and thought it was fantastic. I couldn't Get enough of the game to be honest, the first thing I did was the single player becasue that's what I do multiplayer always comes second..I loved it that much I thought I would clear it again on Super soldier and get all the campaign chievos.
As soon as the original Crysis hit consoles I got that, and got all the achievements on that too but obviously a while after this game came out. I then moved on to the multiplayer on C2, took a short while to get the hang of it but once I did my K/D was sky rocketing until i rebooted and found out that my stats had been wiped clean! I was a bit indecisive on how I felt about it at the start, but as soon as I started again I was glad it happened becasue my stats were already a lot better than they were at the start. We can all admit crysis 2 had some pretty fatal flaws that caused a lot of new players to look the other way, a lot of the community turned there back on it but those who remained and are still here are a good solid bunch and we love you.
But anyway what your thoughts on Crysis 2 and make this post worth a point lol. What do you want to see changed or have any of you broke your game becasue of rage or a freak accident, or your xbox for that matter lol?
Gona be hitting it up on Crysis 3 when it comes out though lets all hope the support for the game will be a tonne load better than crysis 2 aye? Then maybe I will be just that little bit more upset of 'accidentally' killing the thing. Sorry this post was so long and again if it bored the hell out of you lol. If you got to the end hit me up a message if you guys want a rally or someone to kill some noobies with when it launches and I may just waste some money to fork out for another copy of C2 or just comment here I guess and I might just add you. See you all in Crysis 3...
piece out!
Love to all from The FibreMan aka I FibreOptic I