Any use for these? Or is it a lore item or what? Can I put it in a trophy case like that broken sword from lord of the rings?
Any use for these? Or is it a lore item or what? Can I put it in a trophy case like that broken sword from lord of the rings?
Why did you pick up the broken iron crap in ysgramor's tomb?
You can do anything you want with it, but there's no use for it, just like the other broken weapons you can find. Oh, and the soul gem fragments too.
Idk I thought it might be useful because i've never seen anything like it before
I thought that it could be reforged when I first got the game, but I realized quickly that it was just a good conversation piece.
Lore wise the broken weaponry you find in tombs probably belonged to someone who was buried there, yes they will also bury the dead with their possessions too.
it's not useful as such, but it can be a good decoration in your home