Never ever, have i been apart of a beta, and apparently this weekend is the final beta, where a low level quest for newbies, has been broken before.
The first major choice quest defend the for or defend the docks or the fort.
Last time i decided to defend the docks. so this weekend testing the imperial i decided to defend the fort.
The Master portal and general were not not spawning and it looked like on the radar, that the NPC/Monster was in the wall and out side of the fort headquarters zone point.
After trying to force a server to figure things out, refresh the load of the quest, i decided to abandon it and go find the NPC for the next part, in saving the docks.
Major fail on this.
And even then when i went down to the docks.
In both parts the fort and the docks, The NPC's were attacking each other. at one point a pact soldier was attacking some of the NPC good guys.
and at the docks the captain was attacking her own men, shouting out, order. covenant attacking each other, and ebon pact soldiers attacking each other. it was a joke.
If things like this are seriously wrong with game on day of launch, your going to have alot of people more than just whinning about it.
It was reported as a bug.
Word to the wise. ebonheart pact dont defend the fort, defend the docks, and have a laugh at the captain kicking snot out of one of her men.