brotherhood dlc idea

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:59 pm

have what i think is a good dlc idea for the brotherhood of steel as i thought more could be done with them

new dlc main quest with more side quests new named npcs
main quest to fully settle in the commonwealth maybe find a new place for a brotherhood hq i think trinity tower would be cool, call it steel tower and keep the airport for there military base and the police station as there patrol base,

maybe dismantle alot of raider gangs and the gunners and have alot of straglers join as initiates to increase the size of the bos forces that are staying in the commonwealth,

at the end of it maxson could decide to leave with the prydwen and alot of the brotherhood forces and make you the elder of the commonwealth chapter of the brotherhood, giving you your own battlecoat and elder power armor paint, and as a final gift for all your help he could give you final judgement,

not only that but you would need to set ranks for people like your setinel i think brandis would be a good option due to his experience and knowledge of the commonwealth, the setinel will help give orders to the airport and tell the police station where to send patrols to clear out or retrieve, and if brandis didnt return to the brotherhood but is still alive you should get a second chance to bring him back at the start of the dlc,

paladin danse could return since your now leader and maybe make him head paladin and put him in charge of the airport,

you could set another head paladin to be incharge of the police station maybe one of the new named npcs could be a recruit at the start of the dlc, half way through get promoted to night and at the end become a paladin for you to then promote,

proctor teegan could be convinced to stay as the lead quartermaster at the tower and then have 2 other quartermasters at the police station and airport

doctor li can become proctor incharge of armor and weapons at the airport. virgil could be brought in as a a proctor incharge of the brotherhood becoming self sufficient assuming bioscience can be helpful with that, scribe haylen could become the last proctor incharge of knowledge and tech retrieval,

you could retrieve the uss constitution to be the main war vessle of your chapter, maybe have hancock as the captain since he has the attire, maybe promote kight rhys to paladin and have him and a squad be stationed on the ship have a proctor and scribes to help hancock maintain the ship,

have a new npc work under doctor li as the head engineer to keep everything oporational to replace ingram as she and most other named npcs not mentioned will more then likely go back to the capital wasteland with maxson,

what could be cool madison could have made a prototype fusion core that never runs out that could be put into your elder power armor but u still need lots other for your other armors and the final judgement,

please comment any ideas so if i see any cool ones i can add them to this

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:10 pm

Fallout 4 is not like Fallout 3 where you are forced to join the Brotherhood of Steel. If Bethesda makes a Brotherhood of Steel DLC, then it would have to make DLCs for the other factions as well since each faction requires you to remove the competition from what I have heard. Easier for Bethesda to create standard DLC where you travel to some remote location like almost every other Fallout DLC than to do a Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 4.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:25 am

i just figured theres probably more can be done with all factions so maybe have one dlc that does that for the brotherhood and does alot for railroad and the institute, maybe have stuff happen with the minutemen regardless of what faction you choose for obvious reasons so if you have the dlc as soon as you hit the point of no return with a faction that section of the dlc kicks in into the game,

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