i'd like to be the Brotherhood of Steel, but I see the rp needs more outcasts. Which should I be? If an outcast, may someone further explain this faction?
Basically they are in fallout 3 adn are a splinter faction of the Lyons Brotherhood of Steel. Essentially instead of acting nice, recruiting and such, they believe in the traditional methods of the codex. Hoarding technology and hating any one who is not Brotherhood of Steel.
Of course Rex would have to explain more because the OUtcasts could act differently in this RP, sicne its been about thrity years since the events of Fallout 3.
I'd be the Outcast. Have you played Fallout 3? They are those idiots who walk around in the Power Armour painted red. But, since I'm at war with the Brotherhood and the Outcasts.... But, I digress, where were we? Oh yes!Outcasts.
Lol, you did not explain it at all.