Brynjoff glitch "hmm?"

Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:07 am

I successfully completed "a chance arrangement" but for some reason Brynjoff will not go to the Ragged Flaggon and the next quest to join the thieves guild never populated in my quest list. I try to engage Brynjoff but all he does is say "hmm?"

I play Xbox 360. Does anyone have a fix for this? I can't go back to a previous save as I have put a LOT of time into the character sense then. I am really frustrated at this glitch.

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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:08 pm

Sorry lad, got important things to do. We'll speak another time-Brynjolf

He has no time to talk

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:31 am

Chances are you've encountered a glitch that breaks the Thieves' Guild questline and will have to start a new game (since you don't have a previous save). You could try stealing something in plain sight (other than the ring) in the Riften marketplace, get caught by the guards, pay your fine and then see if Brynjolf's dialogue appears. You can also try the following (see below), but it is not a confirmed fix for this bug and may or may not work for you.

Brynjolf won't finish creating his distraction in the Market. The effect is that everyone will remain in the center of the market plaza, being told the "news" repeatedly and Brynjolf will not move, therefore not going to the Ragged Flagon to meet you for the next quest. This may be caused by planting the ring at night or speaking with Brynjolf before his distraction is finished.

  • You may be able to solve this by forcibly pushing Brynjolf to the door of the Ratway. Then activate the door and quickly talk to him - he should then be inside the Ratway with you. If this does not work, reload and retry. Once inside, attack him, run to The Ragged Flagon and yield to him when you're at the bar. Talk to him quickly, before he can leave to go back to his stall, and you may be able to progress in the quest.
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