First of all, I don't know if this is the correct section or not to post something like this, but it's just a general question to anyone who might have any information on future patches.
So when I was trying to join the Dark Brotherhood long ago, I thought it was like previous TES games, so I was killing random people trying to get them to contact me. I ended up killing "Drifa" in Riften, and now a couple of days later (real days) I've completed the Dark Brotherhood quest line (amazing) and done so much more in Skyrim, I'm trying to join the thieves guild now but because I've killed Drifa, after the quest "A Chance Arrangement" has been completed, the next quest wont start. On top of that Brynjolf is stuck in the Riften market, all he says is "hmm" whenever I try to talk to him.
I'm wondering if there will be a possible patch in the near future for console players to fix this (amongst other bugs). I'm playing on Xbox 360, I realise that this can be fixed with console commands and the Unofficial Skyrim Patcher on PC.