BSA Alteration + Invalidation

Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:29 am

Hey guys,

I'm fairly noobish with installing mods. Anyways, I was creating my own texture to alter dark elve's red eyes and I noticed it wasn't applying so I thought it could have something to do with the archiveinvalidation.

So I opened up OBMM, went to the archive invalidation tool and used it. I then realized it wasn't set on BSA invalidation but BSA alteration. So I ran it again but with BSA invalidation checked this time.

When I went into the game, the textures had been altered, however many other things had changed too. Dwemer helmets were missing meshes, wolves were missing bodies + textures and floating purple heads were just running around.

Breeches, and overalls were missing their menu icons and all the stone fences that were in the cities were replaced with the missing mesh exclamation marks.

I managed to find the files that were associated with the gates and took them out of my Data directory so it loaded up the originals from the BSA files but I'm afraid that the ones that are missing like the dwemer and Wolf ones are associated with OOO and may require much more work or a clean install to get working.

Any help on this situation would be great.

I don't use many mods. All Natural, OBGE liquid Water, and OOO are the only ones that could be effected. I also have Qarl's Texture pack installed.

Any help on the situation would be great!


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Zach Hunter
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:26 pm

The easiest way is through Wrye Bash.
Open to your Installers tab, right click on package then scroll to BSA Redirection and enable.
OBMM can be used in the same way. Read part 4 re archive invalidation.
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Mandy Muir
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