I'm making my final decision now on whether or not to compress my mod's BSA, and I figure I could get some input on it to make one final, informed decision.
So far my tested has revealed the following:
If I do compress the BSA, it's about 400mb, and if I pack it into a 7z with a few other things (ESM, video, etc.) it's around 390-400mb.
If I do not compress the BSA, it's about 800mb, but when I pack it into a 7z with everything, it's about 300mb.
The question is, do I compress or not? Bigger file on disk, or bigger file to upload/download?
There was also talk of how fast it's decompressed by the engine, vs. loaded by the HDD. But the numbers were pretty old (From Oblivion). I'd assume now that loading more is faster than decompressing at this point, with how fast HDD have gotten?
I've also heard that the DLC are not compressed. Is this true? Perhaps Bethesda only compressed Skyrim to fit it on a disk, but with the DLC they had the room so they didn't. Does that mean uncompressed is better?
I hate to bring this up for the 3,000th time, I just would like to have one final discussion before deciding and laying it to rest forever. I'd like to do the option that's best for the most people.