.BSAs and .esp/.esm symbols are the wrong symbol on my data

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 am

It seems now that ever since I went to uninstall my copy of Oblivion (and beleive me, I uninstalled everything and deleted everything Oblivion related from my PC!), restart my PC and reinstall Oblivion GOTY (latest version), everytime I go to inspect my data folder where the game installed to, I go to find out that the symbols/icons for the .BSAs are not the usual Oblivion symbol shape icons and that the icons for the .esp/.esms are different than what they usually would be! I don't know what's up! Here's some screenshots I have to prove the odd situations with the .BSA and .esp/.esm icons!

My Oblivion data folder with the wrong symbol for the .BSA (meaning that it's not gonna be able to be read!)

One of the mods I was using (still in my downloads folder!) (Note the wrong icons for the .esp and .BSA icons!)
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 am

That is because you had OBMM installed which the BSAs were associated with, and the CS which the ESP/ESM files were associated with. Since you deleted everything Oblivion related, that means they are no longer associated with anything, thus the default icons.
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Kaley X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 pm

The files that have specific icons are the ones that you can double-click to start the application that opens them - to process just that one file. Since the game uses all the bsa's and esp's at once, and opening a single one doesn't make any sense, they have the generic icon. OBMM can open a single BSA, or rather the BSA browser utility can, so it would be given an icon when that is installed. Similarly, the CS will open a single esp. Resources in the Data folder may have icons if there's an application that will edit them directly, like NifSkope for nif's, or various tools for dds's. If you don't have the tool, you won't see the special icon.

The icon itself is part of the application that edits the file, which is the main reason it can't be shown if the editor isn't installed!
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:59 pm

Thanks guys!

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