ASUS Crosshair Formula IV
Phenom xII 6core OC 3.7
2x Sapphire 6870 (crossfire disabled due to Crytek's incompetence)
8gb Gskill Ripjaws DDR3 1600
Xcilio 750w power supply
What has fixed the BSOD & Random crashing? In "MY" case, and I hope it'll help alot of other people,... Crysis 2 is too retarded to know what to do with high speed RAM!!! I kept getting BSOD with a generic error, and after doing further research it appears that ( AND THIS ONLY HAPPENED DURING CRYSIS 2, NOT Crysis 1, or Warhead) but for some reason Crysis 2 ( don't flame me, i've I only been gaming on PC for a year and a half) will cause your ram (if OC'd) to stop storing information. I've downclocked my RAM to 1300, and now Crysis 2 runs fine,... for a console port! Hope this helps at least one person on this forum.
Crytek, as if you can't tell, were pissed off!!! AT LEAST MAKE SOME KIND OF STATEMENT ADDRESSING...
**** textures
Graphical configuration
and an ETA,....
BTW,.... an APOLOGY would go a long was as well.
Crysis 2 was scheduled for a 2010 holiday release, got pushed back 3 months, and by the time we got it, it was an inferior product compared to what we were promised!!!!