So, I'm actually playing the damn game now, and it's quite interesting how all of my changes have really changed the shape of the game.
For example, I've gained ten skill levels and am now ready to level up. Because of the "no misc skill growth" thing, the only ten levels I've gained are for my major/minor skills. I've gained two levels in axe (for a 2x strength multiplier) and the rest of my gains are in speed & agility skills (four levels each, for a 3x multiplier each). I'm now faced with the decision of leveling up and taking those gains, paying for training to bring my strength multiplier up, paying for training in *another* skill (which I intend to do, anyway), or putting off leveling up so that I can raise my multipliers some more.
Now, by comparison, had I left misc skill growth enabled, I would have already nailed a 5x multiplier in personality from mercantile gains (I've been quite the little homicidal maniac/thief - and I find it very amusing how people watch me enter their homes, walk upstairs, and then walk out the door a few moments later with everything they own shoved down my panties). In other words, my choices are now much more interesting - not to mention more appropriate to the character type I'm playing - than before.
So your mod is kind of disheartening to power gamers, yes? Because I'm definitely not a power gamer.... not anymore any ways. I used to be when I was playing Daggerfall and first playing MW for the first time in 2009. But after that, I set my character to have 18 STR, 32 END, 31 LUCK, 29 AGI, etc... She's a very weak girl who is gifted in magic but doesn't really know how to fight with weapons that well. So your mod won't drastically change that experience by giving me tons of xp points to add on each level up, right?
It won't bee too much longer beefore BeeTeeBee releases version 10.0. Have you considered working with the team for MCP and MPP? Or vice versa, letting some of them help you with this? Collective ideas and brainstorming is always a plus.

(What do the B's stand for?)