That was clever, great job BTB, and thx for the link

I agree with you on daedric stuff.We just have to be sure there is still a decent chance to find the daedric weapon type and armor pieces you are proficient in at least one time in a whole game.
Well, Daedric armor is manually placed in the game, so no worries there.
Daedric weapons are still available in the random excellent weapon leveled list, which still exists in many places.
Oh, and BTB, just a reminder as I already lost your old version :-/
I already got rid of it, too >.>
BTB, you forgot to re-edit the weight for the Robe of the Lich (Tribunal) and the museum version, from 8.00 to 3.00. Very minor oversight.
Indeed I did.
After ten minutes of play, I've found another bug.All Paralyze enchantments on items (weapons, apparel) have a charge/cost ratio of 0/0 and thus are useless.I've tested some other spell effects that had their cost lowered (e.g., Sanctuary, Drain Attribute), or had their privileges removed (e.g., Dispel), but they seem to be working fine as enchantments, though I've only looked at a handful of items, so I'm not 100% sure that the bug is indeed exclusive to Paralyze. You should see for yourself.Maybe the drop in cost for Paralyze was a bit too much for the game to handle? (60 to 1).Man, this svcks, BTB. I can't blink without running into the next issue.
Huh. Interesting. But not really a big problem, though. Paralyze for 5 seconds comes out to a spell cost of 0.25, which is indeed too low to register in the system. So, I have a few options, here.
1 - Raise all "paralyze for 5" enchantments to "for 10"
2 - Add a 10-foot area of effect to all paralyze enchantments.
3 - Add an additional, overlapping effect to the paralyze enchantment.
Which will it be...? (ANSWER: why, all three, of course! Spread across different enchantments for variety/flavor. A winner is you!)
EDIT: oh, and there only seems to be a few other items with this problem, all of which I can edit very easily. All you need to do is open the CS, load both the "Spells" and "Equipment" plugins, head to the enchantments tab, and sort by cost. Anything with a cost of 0 that isn't constant effect will have this problem... though many of the enchantments you'll see aren't actually being used by anything.
I'll post a new version in about 20 minutes. Just let me finish my coffee.