"Spells" doesn't require Bloodmoon...
1. Yes, but the patch (Summon Bonewolf: alteration -> conjuration) will cause the BTB Spells will require Spells Bloodmoon.
2. BTB Spells modified Detect Animal spell (base cost to 0.10), but Bloodmoon modifies description of this spell - so Spells BTB overwrites the modification made ??by Bloodmoon.
Morrowind: "The caster of this effect can detect any entity animated by a spirit; they appear on the map as symbols. This effect includes all characters and all classes of monsters (creatures, humanoids, elementals, Daedra, undead, artifacts, plants, vampires). The effect's magnitude is the range in feet from the caster that animals are detected."
Bloodmoon: "The caster of this effect can detect any entity animated by a spirit; they appear on the map as symbols. This effect includes all classes of monsters. The effect's magnitude is the range in feet from the caster that animals are detected."
BTB Spells: "The caster of this effect can detect any entity animated by a spirit; they appear on the map as symbols. This effect includes all characters and all classes of monsters (creatures, humanoids, elementals, Daedra, undead, artifacts, plants, vampires). The effect's magnitude is the range in feet from the caster that animals are detected."
Is my http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1212558-btbs-game-improvements-the-sorority-vampire-cannibal-vixen-topic/page__view__findpost__p__18481693 (record count, expansion dependency, not checking menumode, JUNKCEL) fell into oblivion? It's just information (not malice).
"if ( MenuMode == 1 ); safe - don't run in menu mode, make sure it doesn't count during inventory and dialogue
A similar script is in Service Requirements (BTB Edit).esp, but not in the BTB - Equipment.esp.