You know, I'm just curious about when BTB will feel satisfied with his work enough as to not update it three times a month.
It's hard to play and enjoy when I need to reinstall the mod every week.
Damn your comprehensive mod of godliness!
As far as I'm concerned, Bethesda should just go ahead and incorporate the majority of your changes into their game. Vanilla Morrowind is so broken that it is unplayable if you know what you are doing.
Oh, and on a side note, after coming back from the grave (Wazzat? Talrivian isn't dead?), I read one of the old threads from February - April.
I think that an easy fix for the Alchemy system would be to just increase the price of ingredients so that they aren't so "cheap". However, what Morrowind's economy really needs is a supply and demand economy, and some realistic time constraints. The reason that Alchemy allows you to make unbelievable amounts of money is due to a few factors:
A ) Morrowind is an RPG that is about as far away from a simulation of real life as you can get. There are no requirements for eating, your character has no problems standing in a vendor's store for 1000+ hours straight, with an epic quest in need of completion, in order to "restock" their inventory. They also have no problems with you creepily loitering in their stores, and they are freaks themselves: They never sleep or eat, or even move, and their inventories magically restock instead of people buying and selling items.
B ) Your character can somehow keep an entire laboratory in his back pocket, and brew potions in literally one second, and do so rapidly, while standing in one position without moving. Time is money? That concept just went out the window.
C ) There is no supply or demand. You can spam the same object to a vendor indefinitely, and he will never grow tired of it, more than happy to constantly purchase said item from you, and stock it forever.
D ) Ingredients cost peanuts to purchase, and the value of potions are ridiculously skewed in proportion to the amount of labor invested in their creation. If potions were so easily aquired, their value would be negligible, as any moron could just create them instantaneously, gain skill by creating them in days, and become an expert alchemist and millionaire over night. The world of Morrowind is creepy if you think about it.
So, basically, all of these things combine to create a rather superfluous economy. Your character can purchase ingredients for next to nothing, sell them at an overinflated value in the form of a potion, all of which was done in one location, instantaneously, without moving, removing the cost of transportation, labor and time. Not to mention the biggest flaw of all:
The violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and in Morrowind, we have just such a thing: Merchants.
Merchants constantly generate gold and ingredients, indefinitely, and forever. They are basically perpetual matter/energy generators, that never run out of fuel. They flood a valueless economy and world with constant resources and currency, allowing the player to manipulate and abuse said generator, and other strange oddities of the nature of the Morrowind World, to create extreme wealth overnight.
So, in hindsight, BTB's Alchemy fix is rather
logical. If there were indeed a hypothetical universe that functioned in the same way as Morrowind, then actually, not only would potions be worth nothing, but neither would anything else, since anyone can just spam an action forever, without the need to eat or sleep, in order to gain skill and increasingly improve their ability to create better and more powerful things.