so, then why not kick chamaeleon out alltogether?
Two reasons. One, people will complain. And while I'm not stranger to doing things in my mod that will piss players off, this is something that I don't care enough to do to defend my choice.
Two, I honestly can't think of much to do with it. There's too many spells and enchantments for me to go through and I really can't come up with a suitable replacement.
replace the chaemleon effect with other suitable effects in enchantments, spells, etc. instead
of keeping useless stuff around
how can you abuse the windwalker/form?
and how do your changes prevent that, if you're just very slow now?
It's 60-second invisibility. In my mod, the only two ways to achieve an invisibility effect of that duration is with a 60-magicka spell or with a birthsign power.
It's also levitation for 60 seconds, which isn't available in my mod at all (outside of the scroll in question... and I think the Whitewalker robe).
And again, I really don't see them as something I'd use or recommend using for the purposes of fast travel. That's what Mysticism is for.
could you recommend changes for the secret master's alchemy apparatus? they're not included
in your modifications, but i've got a personal interest in balancing them in line with the other
changes because another mod on my list introduces them to the game (namely buug, featuring
an alchemist lady who can upgrade your grandmaster's set).
I'd have a hard time recommending good settings since the GM equipment is pretty much on the far extreme end of what I'd consider to "fit" in with my settings. Go anything beyond that, and it falls right off the edge.
also, i like the increased weight idea but with some changes i ask myself what material those apparati must be made of to justify
the new weight...
Stone? Metal? Go into your kitchen and pick up your stove. See how long you can lug it around

i noticed lately that repair hammers are worth much more which somehow prevents their usage
for me. it's a lot cheaper to just let an armorer repair your stuff now. is this intended?
It's intended. I talk all about those changes in the readme.