I've been playing with your edited Service Requirements plugin, and I think it could use some changes. I'm just not sure whether it's being maintained, or by whom.
Technically, I'm the one who maintains it, although I haven't found much to maintain.
- The temple vendor outside of the High Fane in Vivec is supposed to sell levitation potions to pilgrims for the Temple pilgrimage quest, but she doesn't offer services to players at that rank.
- There's a Legion quest to cure a diseased kwama queen near Gnisis, and a vendor there is supposed to be your go-to guy for cure scrolls, but that NPC is Redoran or something so he won't sell to most players.
I think the easy solution in both cases would just to be to remove the effects of the mod from both merchants. But I'd have to see them in-game to figure out whether or not I want to (I notoriously have not played more than, like, five minutes into Morrowind)
- The proprietor of the tradehouse in Gnisis will only deal with Comonna Tong players, despite him serving NPCs from like a half dozen factions.
Well, that's because the Commona Tong isn't joinable, so Service Requirements doesn't edit their merchants

Also, speaking of the levitation potions here, the pilgrimage book calls them Potions of Rising Force but you've changed the potion name. The book needs to be changed too.
This was brought up to me once before, and I think I just didn't give enough of a damn to go change it. And then I made a joke about a Rising Force potion summoning Yngwie Malmsteen.
I'm glad your mod finally seems complete and stable, you did a great work on it.
I wonder if you finally found time to play the game for real.
What quests/level/areas did you reach?
After having done lots of testing, documentation and modding for years, how was the experience of actually playing the game?
I started awhile back, and then real life caught up with me and I accidentally nuked my savegame when doing a routine format of my harddrive.
Speaking of real life, I trust yours is going well.
i have a suggestion; bols indalen will forge glass, ebony and adamantium armor for you.
with your price adjustments his prices aren't reasonable anymore. maybe this could be fixed?
I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure that I used the forge values of at *least* Adamantium to help me come up with the new prices, and balanced both of them accordingly.
I also have a suggestion. Since secret masters alchemy gear appears in several popular (afaik) mods such as suran underworld, and (I think) Rise of House Telvanni how about changing its' stats to be more in line with your mod? Here are the values I'm using at the moment:
SM's M&P 1.50 (Instead of 2.00) and 90000 gold (instead of 6000)
SM's Retort 1.25 (Instead of 2.00) and 75000 gold (instead of 6000)
SM's Alembic 1.25 (Instead of 2.00) and 60000 gold (instead of 6000)
SM's Calcinator 1.50 (Instead of 2.00) and 45000 gold (instead of 6000)
While that *does* follow the formula I used to value the rest of the equipment, I also have a pretty hard cap on the overall value of anything in my mod that those shoot pretty far beyond.
As for the Secret Master equipment itself, I balanced everything in the "Spells" and :alchemy" plugins assuming that the GM equipment was the best around, so acknowledging the existence of that stuff just introduces a whole new set of variables that I don't want to mess with.
Also, the readme for the settings plugin says acrobatics gives 0.2 exp but the value in the settings plugins is 0.1. Which one is correct?
I meant to make it 0.20, but I put 0.10 in the version history by mistake (which I use as a reference to actually *make* the updates) and that's what made it into the plugin.
Meh, I'm happy with 0.10.