some things RRR said also came to my mind a while ago.
however, the race and settings plugin were the two i adjusted the most for my own game (basically restoring stat and skill bonuses, but raising the required skill progresses to 15 for a new level to scale down the max level from 70-80 to about 50, which works very well, because you stay low-leveled for quite some time)
to add to the ideas:
the atronach is still too powerful in my opinion. as long as there is no natural magicka regeneration, even at the slightest rate (i included the wp-based magicka reg by Assman), you don't have that big a difference between stunted and not stunted magicka (as restore magicka potions are still cheap as you get levels, even with economy adjustment plugins).
i solved the problem by adding a weakness to magicka. this makes sense to me: if magic attacks come through, they hit very hard. that's why atronachs developed absorption at all.
the magicka bonus - thing is balanced in my game, because i raised the natural magicka-multiplier from 1.0 to 2.0. so a normal nonmagicka-race without a magicka-birthsign would have twice its intelligence as magicka. that felt very natural in my last playthrough (although i had atronach in addition to that), i constantly ran out of magicka in the first part of the game and as i got stronger i could cast all the convenience stuff i wanted. notice that my character was a stealth character (yes, there are people playing this kind of character

), so no mage nor a pure fighter type with illusion as a minor skill (very necessary for night eye in a TLM (the lighting mod) game without the scripted sneak-nighteye-bonus plugin, which i find most unrealistic).
i also found that block skill is quite an agony to raise (ok, depends on playstyle maybe, as i sneakattacked most of the enemies or used marksman, but even in close combat it wouldn't really go up. in the end, i was about lvl37 and the block skill as a minor skill was still in its 40s, with some minor skills already hitting the ceiling). i modified the block range from 25% least to 75% the most and made it easier to increase for the next playthrough. this also means that shieldfighters are more of a challange as enemies, as they will more constantly block your own melee attacks, which is a nice addition

so what else? there is some more, but i can't remember right now

today was my datamining exam and i made it!

i'm so happy.
so now i have some spare time to work on my D2-sound makeover...
I want my ES sorc with Insight AND Infinity dammit :E
i prefer trap assassins

with infinity, too (who needs insight? O_o)
she was so powerful, can't really get the point in hammerdins as she was much much stronger and tougher (tested both of them for quite some time).
i can tell you that the insight-soundeffect is the new "restore magicka"-sound (so some match in that).
the infinity (conviction) sound is... um... let me look it up..., which was very useful during the soundeffect-picking-process...
ah... conviction-sound is the new resist magicka sound (so no match here...)
i hope this was not too far off topic...