I'll make sure I visit J'Rasha when i get to Vivec, it will be like a side quest to stop the error.
Or at least figure out where it's coming from, at any rate.
Granted, I *did* tidy those scripts some, but the fact that the rat script is the only one that's acting funny for you leads me to believe that there's some other factor at play, here.
You should set up a "but me a coffee"/donate button on your webpage so people can thank you for your excellent work on your mod list, compatibility edited mods, your own mod and for the support you provide on the board. I know i'd click it.
Just hook me up with a hot Swedish redhead and we'll call it even

I played a new PC up to level ~20 with BTB GI, alternate settings and GCD, and I can say the added value of gaming experience is great, thx so much.
Always glad to help, Mym.
Oh, also, I did a system restore and accidentally wiped the last email you sent me, which is why I never responded. Sorry about that

[*]Weapon damage: They are too powerful compared to other equipments and compared to most enemies HP. Once I get one of those weapons, there is no more challenge for most fights. Their damage could be lowered in a way similar to what "Number one" did in http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8634.
[*]Price: Still too high. As soon as I start to find daedric equipment, my purse starts to grow exponentially.
[*]Drop rate: Too high. I use MWA and not the "Daedric drops" plugin of Economy Adjuster, as you suggest, but I still get too many daedric drops.
I think editing that second one down may take a bit of work, but is definitely doable (and something I'd been considering for awhile, anyway). The damage is also something I've noticed recently and I'm still debating whether or not I feel like starting down that road, which will no doubt continue on to editing nearly every weapon in the game.
Encumbrance: Even with a warrior and a decent strength, I have to constantly use feather potions to be able to carry a decent quantity of loot. Maybe you could increase the fEncumbranceStrMult GMST to ~7-10.
Maybe it's all those Daedric weapons you're carrying around? >.>
And, granted, this was sort of what I was thinking when I raised the effectiveness of Feather spells/potions.
I think this is one where i may finally need to play the game for myself (that one thing I keep wishing I could do) to really get a good handle on. Then again, I've just switched over to using The Steed as a birthsign, so my opinion may be a bit skewed.
Mercantile: The growth is *really* high. However I do not use the MCP permanent barter disposition feature.
Yeah... I just got an email about this one. I'm trying to remember where we left off on this one (we were discussing Mercantile in our last email, IIRC). I believe that I adjusted it from 0.30 to 1.00 back when I did all those adjustments to non-combat skills in version 6.0, my reasoning being that it should be easier to raise those skills more quickly, since otherwise all you'd do is grind (i.e., make lots of little transactions instead of one big one whenever you go shopping). The fact that you're the second person to mention this may mean I've set it a bit too high, but can you tell me for the record what your current skill level is and whether it's a major/minor/misc skill?
Ingredients: Some ingredients have the paralyze negative effect (appears often when I create restore fatigue or healing potions) but I've never seen it on the created potions. I wonder why.
Weird. Any specific ingredients, or is this across the board?