In Chapter 55, Buffy woke from a dark dream, but then set about her day in Bravil, taking note of the bustling activity caused by the pending archery tournament. She also investigated the mysterious Aradroth, and made both culinary and cautionary preparations for dinner with him.
For all: I'm so pleased the interactive image from Buffy's (Dark Brotherhood) dream seems to have been well-received. I was afraid it might be a little cumbersome, but when Leydenne sent it to me, a chill went up my spine that I just had to share with you.
hauteecole rider- Feline Friend - thank you so much!
I'm quite sure imp chips were invented by Sage SubRosa.
Yes, vendor is preferred over its alternate and unintended spelling of vender

- I changed it and thank you.
I hope you will enjoy the coming tourney.
SubRosa- Thank you very much. I'm so pleased the passages you quoted worked for you! I also appreciate, as always, your keen editorial eye - gratefully fixed.
mALX- Thanks! Yes, Bravil is home. -_-
Foxy- I couldn't believe it when Buffy first got her home and chose to stuff her cooking and alchemy supplies in the same cabinet. :yuck: Well, cooking is not a major skill for her.
Wolf- Thank you so much for the encouragement and your trust that I will not muck Aradroth up too badly. My true test though is in the upcoming story.
Destri- Yes! There were many things going on in this story. Thank you for noting the primary theme so eloquently. One of the advantages of the forum type venue, is that it allows reader participation and assistance. I value the opinions of my wonderful readers and, as I hopefully have demonstrated on several occasions, those opinions influence 'our' story.
Digz- I so appreciate you providing me feedback on what you get from the stories, and taking the time to share it with me. As I have said to you many times, it really helps me know how close to target I am. My comments to Destri pertain to you as well, my friend. I so hope you will enjoy the upcoming Bravil Archery Tournament.
Remko- Thank you! Ah yes, I well remember Rales' misadventures with alchemy.
Koala- Wow! Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and I appreciate the insight of your comments.
S'lider- Well, you have certainly undertaken a rather large task, and one that I am most indebted to you for. I thank you for your kind words and hope so much you will continue.
mcbeanie-Thanks! I'm so glad you liked the image and I appreciate the encouragement!
56 Bravil - Dinner for Two I opened the door and stepped back. "Come in Aradroth. You can place your cloak and weapons on my front table here if you like. I figure you might be more comfortable dining without them?"
"G'day to you too Buffy." Aradroth cocked his head. "If that's true, why is my hostess sporting a bow as large as she, with bristling quiver to boot?"
I held his stare. "I'll take mine off, but you first."
"Ah yes. I do have that effect on people sometimes." His hand moved towards his sword, but stopped cold when he saw my fingers start to glow. "By crikey woman, you
are nervous. I'm just trying to do as you asked." He slowly held open his cloak, produced a bottle and set it on the table. "I'm going to take off my weaponry and outer garment now. Don't turn me into a chicken or anything."
I nodded, but kept my distance and glanced at the bottle. "Tamika's. How'd you know?"
"Your own words to Ardaline yesterday." Aradroth had placed his sword belt, bow, quiver and cloak on the table. He raised his hands and added with an amused, but dry smile, "do you need to search me?"
With his cloak off, I could clearly see his black shrouded armor was like mine - and just as form fitting. I watched as he slowly turned all the way around in front of me - short elf, bored expression, cute butt, no hidden weapons. "No. that's ok."
"Buffy, I can see you're uncomfortable. Some of your likely perceptions about me are not wrong; however, I assure you I am harmless as a kitten in what is now my home town of Bravil. I expect you know that without weapons, I am no match for your magic."
"Thanks for understanding Aradroth. A girl can't be too careful you know." I removed my bow and quiver. "Thank you for the wine too. That was very thoughtful. Would you pour?"
Soon, two bowls of hot venison stew joined the bread and cheese upon my table. With our goblets filled, Aradroth even held my chair for me. My hand still twitched defensively with a hint of magicka when he came close.
"So Aradroth, I noticed your accent and some of your unusual speech. I take it you're not from around here?"
"Valenwood actually. I was rather forcefully encouraged to leave there due to my. . . appetites." His eyes still reflected a lack of emotion. "Among other things, I was drawn to the illusion specialty offered by your local guild of mages."
"Yes," I replied trying to get him to open up. "Will you be specializing in illusion at the University then, like I did?"
"Buffy, I don't think you quite understand. I'm no mage, nor do I desire to become one. I find the whole guild simply a path to the tools I want. All I desire from the University is access to their altars and alchemical garden." He calmly sipped his wine.
I swirled my goblet slowly, then looked at him. "Aradroth, forgive my saying so, but you sound bored by the guild. If you don't want to experience the wonders and friendships that the guild and University can offer, what is it that ignites your passion?" I then added, "or are you as cold as you seem?"
"Yes to all of that." His face remained elusively impassive. "I do have a passion, however." His slate gray eyes now bored into mine. "I believe you understand that? I recall your professional tone as you began to describe poisons yesterday at the guild. Your arrow selections from Daenlin - rather specialized, yes? I see the shrouded armor displayed upon your bureau. Tell me Buffy," he paused for another sip of wine, "what is the color of night?"
Instantly, I recognized the challenge. Although not overly surprised, the image of a memory flashed into my mind and a chill ran up my spine.
"Sanguine, my brother." I met Aradroth's stare. "You're wrong about me though. Joining the Brotherhood was a mistake - sort of. I cannot kill innocent people that I don't even know." Aradroth won the staring contest, as I lowered my eyes into the crimson depths of my goblet. "Yet. . . my dark brothers and sisters love me, and I will not abandon or betray that love." After a moment, I added, "I wonder if
you feel any kindness at all?" I looked up hopefully at the Bosmer.
"Perhaps at one time, Buffy." Aradroth's voice had softened briefly, but just as quickly grew cold again. "As for the fawning followers of Sithis, they too are merely tools. They pay and equip me to indulge in things I probably would anyway."
"If that is true, why do you not slay me? For that matter, why do you not kill everyone in Bravil?"
"Bravil is where I choose to live. I need the services the town offers, and I have. . . grown to know some of the people that live here. And what of you Buffy? Your skills, equipment and membership in the guild of assassins, attests that you are no stranger to killing."
"I have a doctrine that I live by. It's written in blood."
"A doctrine that tells you when to kill?" Aradroth flashed a smile. His look of boredom was now one of mild amusemant. "I'd love to hear it."
I recited The Buffy Doctrine: "If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you."
An eyebrow arched. "Buffy, what a deliciously fascinating creature of contradictions you are!"
"I have learned to survive in a harsh land, and I lay no claim to goodness." Defiantly returning his gaze, I continued, "killing with my bow is exhilarating, and I do not apologize for that. When my friends are threatened, I freely admit to rage, vengeance and even cruelty. I - I simply do not kill innocent people. Aradroth, I'm sorry you feel no kindness. I hope someday that will change for you." Holding up my goblet, I initiated a toast to change the mood, "here's to a lot more understanding of each other than we had an hour ago."
"Yes, and to a fine meal." Aradroth touched his goblet to mine. "Now, might I prevail upon you to show me something green and a bit more deadly than the stuff Ardaline might cook up?"
Stalling for time, I rose to refill our goblets, then stirred some life into my fireplace.
Buffy? Kneeling, as I tended the fire, I looked up and barely nodded to acknowledge the paladin's silent voice in my head.
Are you sure that enabling an assassin with sophisticated poisons is wise?It seemed that the only interests Aradroth and I shared were lethal ones. Yet. . . I wanted him to continue opening up to me. I had seen glimmers that perhaps he was not as dark as he seemed. Acadian was right though. I smiled, and winked at the flames.
"Come," I finally said to Aradroth. A few moments later we were standing in front of my alchemy table. "I'm going to show you a glimpse of what could be possible for you." I laid out five ingredients, one of them in a small leather pouch.
"Five? I thought four ingred-"
Placing a finger to Aradroth's lips, I interrupted. "Don't think, just watch." I placed a portion of spiddal stick into my mortar, and a blob of congealed putrescence. I added a piece of harrada root, and sprinkled in some frost salts. "Now here's the tricky part. The harrada was only to coax the frost salts into the poison. We can take it out now." I removed the harrada. "See? The other three items stay in there just fine. Now, we add a secret ingredient, some water and mix." I did not tell Aradroth that the powder I added from the pouch was vampire dust; nor did I tell him that commonly found gall of imp would work as well as the congealed putrescence that could only be found on the mysterious island in Niben Bay.
I poured the resulting thick liquid into a green vial, which I sealed. "This poison will silence your enemy, deplete his health, and cause both fire and frost damage. It can be quite lethal - particularly against strong opponents that can cast spells."
The bored look was gone from Aradroth's eyes. "I see that I stand before a master. How may I repay you for you for this lesson in lethality? And of course, what are the two unfamiliar ingredients?
"How can you repay me? Consider how much evil there is that needs to be destroyed. You don't have to be part of it." The gentleness in my voice surprised me. "This poison works just as well on necromancers and vampire battlemages as is does on innocent men or mer. You think of Bravil as your home and you don't kill innocent Bravilians. I hope that one day that you can think of all Cyrodiil as your home." I placed the poison inside my cabinet. "When you do, I will share my secrets with you."
Aradroth sighed. "Nilawen says similar things when she overhears Nordinor and I talking. She too is convinced I have a heart."
I was unsure if I had touched that heart or not. Regardless, the mood became awkward, and I changed the subject. "Let's talk archery Aradroth. Are you any good?"
The elf cocked his head. "Well, I can hold my own, but because I split focus between sword, bow and magic, I'm no expert. Why?"
"Will you enter the tournament with me? It means so much to my master Daenlin to have some competition. Please?"
"After your hospitality and wonderful meal, how could I refuse? Besides, I rather like Daenlin."
"Wonderful!" I grinned, "may the best Bosmer win. Tell me, what kind of enchantment is on your bow?"
"I use a demoralize effect. Let a victim run away full of poison, or even alternate between two enemies to keep them dancing in fear."
"That's brilliant Aradroth," I said truthfully.
He looked at my bow in the corner. "And yours?"
"Slayer will totally but briefly drain an enemy's speed. Upon impact, it makes my target ignore me and the snap of my bowstring for a moment. I can usually remain hidden after shooting.
Aradroth whistled softly. After rubbing his chin for a moment, he asked, "say Buffy, you know that you can reduce the sound of your bowstring, right?"
My mouth fell open and I stared at him. Aradroth gently lifted my lower jaw closed. He actually smiled at me before continuing, "can you see the tassels on my bowstring?"
A few moments later, Slayer was in my hand and we were standing in the open door of my home, looking out into the night.
Aradroth pointed. "From right here, shoot that roof across the river and listen to your bow."
Obediently, I loosed an arrow.
Aradroth took Slayer. I watched carefully as he fitted two small yarn tassels, one approximately a hand's width from each end of the bowstring. "Here, try it now."
I did so.
thwick. "Aradroth! That
is quiet. How?"
"Well, they tell me it has something to do with helping to equalize the speed at which the different parts of the bowstring snap home, but I make no pretense of understanding. I just know it works, as you can see." Aradroth smiled again. I was surprised that, for once, the smile included his eyes. "Buffy, I know I. . . make people uncomfortable. In spite of that, you have reached out to me with kindness. I will not forget that."
"Why Aradroth, there may be a glimmer of hope for you after all." I returned his smile. "We'll go hunting sometime. Welcome to Bravil."