In Chapter 49, Buffy completed the University's task, in hopes of getting some assistance for Kvatch. She discovered the magical grove, where mages get the wood for their staves at Wellspring, had been invaded by necromancers. Surviving their attacks, she even exacted vengeance on behalf of the three guild mates who perished there.
Foxy- I'm honored you felt impaling her victim to a tree under the circumstances was plausible. Thank you also for the kind words on her character development. I am in consultation with a medieval mechanical engineer; Buffy's bowstring noise attenuation device is merely a few stories in the future. I don't think there is anything she will be able to do about the noise of impact though.
Lord Dren- Thanks so much for joining us! I so hope you will stay with Buffy. If her volume of past stories proves to be a bit much, feel free to check the first post in this thread for ideas on catching up 'executive summary' style.
RemkoNL- I'm so glad you liked her decision to try and impale that necromancer. She can indeed seem a bit cold and even cruel at times - usually that is caused by her readiness to embrace vengeance. She certainly has, in the past, tortured necromancers (Meridia's Shrine) and has chosen to wound a highwayman with a poisoned arrow and let him slowly die a painful death because he swung an axe at her horse. I will try and watch how I portray the balance between her good and dark sides in future encounters. Thanks for the insight! ^_^
SubRosa- Thank you as always for your encouragement.

Although not a quick or agile thinker, Buffy can be quite cunning if she has a little time to plan.
She is well educated, and no doubt familiar with the nature of each of the Nine. Buffy is a child of the city of Mara however and invokes her name usually as a habitual expression. Curious indeed to wonder if she sees the bit of irony you point out about thanking Mara for the success of her tactic.
Wolf- I'm so pleased you also thought impaling that necromancer was a good idea and enjoyed Buffy's thought process. Yes, leave it to sage SubRosa to help out on the brilliant detect life tactic against Buffy. :nod:
mALX- Yes, I think SubRosa's idea about enemy spell casters using detect life was wonderful. As Buffy is becoming more lethal, this is just the type of humility and vulnerability she needs to encounter. Thank you for the kind words! :dance:
Digz- As always, thank you for sharing with me what impressions you are getting. I am so spoiled by the input you provide, that lets me gage how we are doing! :twirl:
treydog- Wow! Thank you so much. The birds winging overhead among the branches served a couple purposes. Showing the futility of attempting a high trajectory bow shot, and contrasting nature's beauty and indifference to the struggles below as you point out.
slitherine- Buffy and I have missed you terribly! It is wonderful to have you rejoin us. Sorry about your computer. I do think I have improved, thanks to the wonderful encouragement and critiques from readers. I also believe reading the amazing stories on this forum has helped me a lot as well.
Koala- Where's the puddle? Good question! :whisper: She usually has to get hurt for that to happen. . . or get drunk. . . or kill ghosts. :lmao:
50 A Mage's Staff Golden wings, delicately laced with black, fluttered as they floated above the lavender petals of an elegantly lethal nightshade. Dancing through the air, the tiny creature eventually selected the brilliant yellow of a dragon's tongue, and settled gently. After a few lazy flickers, the wings stopped and splayed open, like beautifully painted pages basking in the earliest rays of the sun. I wondered if butterflies were so beautiful because they spent their days visiting flowers?
"You're up early this morning my little butterfly." The words almost caused me to jump from the wooden bench, so mesmerized had I been by the little flower dancer. My head snapped towards the voice to see a beaming Boderi Farano.
I smiled at my University advisor. "Boderi! I was hoping you would come here this morning. I know this is a favorite spot for both of us." I patted the bench. "Sit with me?"
"Of course." The Dunmer gracefully seated herself beside me. "I just breakfasted with Raminus Polus. Your news of the necromancer attack at Wellspring is quite the talk within the Council of Mages." She placed her hand over mine, smiled and narrowed her red eyes. "Tell me the rest of the story."
Not one to keep secrets from Boderi, I willingly provided the details of my poignantly dangerous trek through the cave and grove at Wellspring.
"Buffy, I'm proud of you. I feel badly that we did not talk about countermeasures for being discovered while invisible. It seems my illusionist discovered at least one solution on her own however. You are quite the planner Buffy - I doubt you will be surprised by that again. I'm also delighted that you are learning how to objectively evaluate your own skills and weaknesses." The Dunmer cocked her head, raised an eyebrow and added, "Now, out with it. You may have learned the arts of verbal dueling and masking your emotions, but you forget how well I know you my Apprentice. What is troubling you?"
"Am I that transparent?" I replied, somewhat surprised.
Boderi smiled playfully. "Only to me, Buffy."
I lowered my voice, "Boderi, can I trust Raminus? I mean, after I investigated Wellspring for him, he said he would take my case to the Council of Mages and try his best to get me some help for Kvatch." I frowned and continued, "He said to come back and check with him in a tenday! Sometimes it seems that by the time I get everything together it will be too late. I feel like a pouting child, but I can't help it. Now another delay."
"Patience," Boderi said gently, as she gazed towards the flowers, "this delay is a lifetime to your delicate winged friend over there, but merely the flutter of an eye to us. You have seen but a score of summers, Buffy. Raminus, on the other hand is more than twice your age. I suspect I look twice your age as well; but in truth, I am several times that. If you do not get killed, you will learn to see humans age before your eyes. Time is bittersweetly different for us, as elves.
Boderi looked into my eyes. "My point? I have seen Raminus grow from Apprentice to Master Wizard, and I know well his strengths and weaknesses." She squeezed my hand. "The Council of Mages is in turmoil over this organized necromancer attack against our own facilities. In the midst of this, getting your assistance will require great skill, and yes, some time. You could have no better advocate before the Council though, than Raminus Polus."
Boderi stood, as did I, and we hugged. "I'm off to teach my class." The beautiful Dark Elf turned and glided away. I took a lingering glance at the flowers in the alchemy garden. The butterfly was gone.
Thirty paces later, I entered the Chironasium. "Good morning Delmar," I said cheerfully to the old Redguard.
"Well hello Apprentice, I haven't seen you in here for quite some time." He had two amulets in one hand and a pair of soul gems in the other. Laying them upon a nearby table, he continued, "and what can we do for you this morning? Another bow to enchant? Perhaps some more magic rings?"
"I don't mean to disrupt if you're working on a project," I said looking at the items he had just set down. "I mean, I can come back if you're too bu-"
"Nonsense. Spit it out," he interrupted with a smile. Glancing at the amulets and soul gems, he added, "oh these are just going be lake striders, to help the new grove attendants get to Wellspring a little more easily. No hurry."
"Delmar, can you make me a mage's staff?"
He dropped his chin to his chest and opened his eyes wide, staring at me. "Buffy, did I hear you right? I've never known you to use any weapon except a bow."
"Oh, it's not for me." I then told him about finding the body of young Apprentice Arnaud Northwode in Wellspring Cave, and of the promise I had made. Slipping Arnaud's letter from my pocket, I showed it to Delmar.
The Enchanter had listened intently. Now, he studied the letter. "Hmm, let's see. . . and you're going to give this to his father eh?" After I nodded, the Redguard continued, "farm, goblins, probably wild animals. . . ahah! We'll make a staff that casts fireballs - something a farmer can use." He then looked at me inquiringly. "Now, where is the unenchanted wood?"
Dropping my pack to the floor, I pointed. "It's in there. Um, it'll take me a minute or two to find it." I knelt by my pack and started rummaging.
After a few moments, Delmar scratched his balding head and said impatiently, "by the Nine, Buffy! How hard can it be to find a staff that's as tall as you are?"
I could feel the warm flush rising above the top of my blouse into my neck, face and up to the pointed tips of my ears. I said sheepishly, "well, I have lots in there. You know, stuff."
Delmar chuckled. "Tell you what, I'll just go work on this other project. You let me know when you find the staff." He grabbed the amulets and soul gems, then wandered over towards one of the enchanting altars, shaking his head. "Women," he said softly to the wall in front of him.
By Mara Buffy! How hard can this be indeed? There was only one place in the pack a staff could fit; all I had to do was find my magic bag.
I figured it was a good thing that my rings, poisons and potions were in quick access pouches I had added to the outside of my pack. Finding anything else though was, well, a little bit of a problem.
I started pulling things out, tossing them on the floor: Blue shoes, Azura's Star, black and gold shoes, repair hammer, spare arrows, torch. . .
Ahah! No, that's my alchemy bag. Still kneeling over the pack, I blew at the loose strands of hair that had fallen in my face. I then continued adding to the growing pile of items on the floor.
. . . black leather cat suit, Arena raiment, skirts, leather boots, bracers, blouses, several dresses, my Leyawiin shield, two bottles of Tamika's. . .
I looked over towards Delmar to make sure he couldn't hear me, then muttered under my breath, "All right Acadian, you can just stop that laughing. I know we have to get lots better at organizing this pack. Maybe we can work on it later, but teasing me about it now isn't helping things one bit!"
"There you are!" I squealed. "Oh isn't that always the way - right at the very bottom!" I pulled the magic bag from my pack and looked inside.
Hmm, Peryite's Spell Breaker - I really need to drop that off at home. Journal, ink pot, spare bowstrings, quill, Slayer. Oh - enchanted arrows - I almost forgot about those! Ahh, finally! I slid the staff out of the bag, still amazed how it fit in there to begin with. I shrugged, guessing that's why it was called a magic bag of holding.
Proudly, I held up the gnarled length of special wood. "See Delmar, I told you it was in there!"
Delmar grinned, shook his head again and took the staff. "Ok, ok. I'll have it ready tomorrow. Come back then."
"Thanks," I said, still slightly embarrassed. I took the next couple hours trying to get things back into my pack in a little more organized fashion.