In Chapter 51, Buffy made good her promise to deliver Arnaud Northwode's staff to his father, Corrick, at Harm's Folly. Corrick was beset by goblins that had killed his wife. Realizing the old farmer lacked the skill to deal with them, Buffy decided she would clear the goblins' lair at nearby Exhausted Mine.
Foxy- Thank you so much for the kind words. It was necessary to develop Corrick as somewhat endearing, frail and a poor fighter. Otherwise, Buffy would have left him to the goblins for lacking the courage to defend his own home. She does not suffer able bodied men who expect a fragile she-elf to save them. So very long ago, she stormed out on Jauffre because of that.
Zalphon- Such a pleasure to have you reading our story! I'm so pleased you found Buffy's descriptions effectively immersive.
SubRosa- Thank you. I had to develop Corrick carefully, or else Buffy would not have felt obliged to help him - she
really wants to get home to Bravil for a short break. Thank you also for thinking about Arnaud's final resting place.

This occurred to Buffy a couple stories ago. She was quite inspired by the peaceful beauty of Wellspring Grove, sans necromancers of course, and discussed arrangements behind the scenes with Raminus Polus. More on that in the very next story. . . I hope you like her solution.
Digz- I'm so pleased you found this story immersive. I'm also delighted that you like how healing magic works for Buffy. She heals very differently than her guild mates. For her, it is an intimate, and not entirely risk-free, endeavor. There is a nurturing aspect within Buffy's nature, and this style of healing seems to suit her.
treydog- Wow! Such high praise from the top dog, whose own wonderful work inspires me to say "That is how I want to write when I grow up."
mALX- Thank you mALX. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm sure I told you I was going to post it, but perhaps I forgot to send along your morning cup of coffee, replete with half&half and sugar, to help you recover from New Years Eve. Forgive me.
Wolf- Hidden gems in the wilderness, yes. I'm afraid Buffy is beginning to leave a wake of developed minor characters everywhere she goes. See, I may think I have a plot, but Buffy doesn't know from plot, has a short attention span and is easily side tracked. That is probably exactly why she finds those hidden gems.
RemkoNL- I'm so glad you enjoyed Corrick. As I said above, it was important to develop him to the point where helping him would make sense for Buffy. The fact that you said 'I felt sorry for the poor man', means a lot because that is what I was hoping for.
hauteecole rider- Well, we certainly can't have silly things like work get in the way of our reading now can we? :lmao:
(BTW, I was quite fascinated as I researched the dressage associated with your name.)
Thank you so much for the kind words. As you can see, I stay fairly close to the game of Oblivion. I certainly took license by creating Arnaud, and by making Corrick old and frail. My intent though, includes much of what you say - seeing the comfortable quests, characters and sights of Cyrodiil, but through the eyes of another character - hopefully in a familiar, but different manner.
Yes! I also adore character driven fiction!
bobg- I have had the honor of breathing a
sustaining love into Angel and Sarrah. You however, are responsible for inspiring the very
creation of Buffy. It is indeed a thrill to have you rejoin us!
My whole intent with the interaction between Buffy and Corrick was to lead up to what you said was never in doubt - her 'declaration of war.' Thank you for confirming I was on target.
CrazyCocoK- Wow! Congratulations on reading through over 80k words!

oo: I am so honored that you have joined us!
Destri- Welcome back from out of town, and Happy New Year to you! I believe I am improving as a writer. I have experience writing manuals, official correspondence and other boring text, but Buffy is my first attempt at fiction. So. . . when I started, I produced grammatically correct dry stories. The great folks here at fanfic could somehow see the truckload of passion I had for my character and have helped me try and bring her alive with their advice and examples. I continue to learn from the wonderfully supportive writers here - such as yourself.
Koala- Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. My hope was that the tobacco was part of those irrelevant background details helping to make things memorable. I'm glad it stuck with you (not on you of course).
52 Training I stood in amazement, my mouth open. Displayed before me, in the first streaks of morning light was all of Cyrodiil itself. I could clearly see the Imperial City, with its White Gold Tower reaching into the clouds. There was that horrible prison, where I had watched Emperor Uriel Septim die. Behind the city, I could see the Arcane University. Looking beyond the Imperial City, I wishfully imagined that I could even see Bravil, and sighed.
"Now you understand why Kayleen and I chose this spot." Corrick Northwode stood beside me at the front gate of Harm's Folly. "Not a day goes by that I don't work this land and marvel at that view."
Closing my mouth and silently nodding, I removed the enchanted staff from my back. I looked to see that Superian was safely behind the farm house. "Ok, whatever we do Corrick, let's not point this thing at the straw roof of your home." Extending a finger to the northwest, I added, "in fact, let's aim for that large stone down the hill there."
Directing the end of the staff towards my target, I thought about a fireball. My hands began to glow and I stopped. No Buffy, it's not supposed to take magicka; the staff should have its own power. Oh I wished I had paid more attention at school. I concentrated on the staff and imagined fire flying from it. An orange spark or two began to sizzle, then stopped. Trying again, with better focus this time, I was rewarded when the four gnarled tips at the end of the staff began to flicker in unison. A fireball quickly formed and flew towards my target. I missed the intended boulder of course, but almost squealed with excitement nonetheless.
Within a few more tries, I could successfully shoot magical fire from the enchanted length of wood, and even hit the target, sometimes. Handing the staff to Corrick, I tried to explain what I had learned.
Corrick progressed rather quickly. I guessed part of that was his Breton natural affinity for magic. Before another hour had passed, he too was displaying some accuracy.
"Well done Corrick! Especially," I giggled, "given the poor credentials of your teacher. Ok, now I'll have you try it on a target that's alive - well, sort of."
Forming a sphere of magicka in my hand I tossed it in front of us. As a skeleton materialized, I said, "get ready, but don't fire yet." I cast another spell that infused the bones of the summon with a lavender glow. "Now Corrick, blast away!"
The Breton obediently launched a fireball. As the skeleton dissipated, Azura's Star captured its energy with a reassuring 'whoosh'. I took the staff from Corrick and partially charged it.
We repeated this exercise several more times, resulting in a fully charged staff, and a farmer proficient in its use.
I pointed towards the Imperial City, "Can you see the Arcane University?"
"Yes, just behind the city," Corrick replied. "Why?"
"Well, two reasons. When your staff runs low on power, they can recharge it for you if you explain that your son was a student there." I continued gently, "just to the left of the Imperial City, is a small piece of land rising from Lake Rumare. It is the site of Wellspring Grove, and now includes the University's new cemetery for mages."
I touched the old Breton's arm, causing him to look into my eyes. "Corrick, the Grove is one of the most beautiful spots in Cyrodiil. Arnaud is buried there." I turned again towards the city and pointed. "You can see the island from here. If you visit the University, I'm sure they would escort you out there to see him."
Corrick looked towards the island, then at me. "Buffy, you have done much for me - and Arnaud." He strapped the long weapon to his back. "I seem to be a little better with this staff than I am with my mace. I will come with you to Exhausted Mine. You have given me hope and confidence. Between the two of us, I believe we can eliminate those goblins once and for all."
"No Corrick." I shook my head. "I'm at my best when fighting alone. Don't worry though, I'll stay safely in the shadows. Besides," I smiled, "I need you to ensure no harm comes to Superian while I'm gone."
* * *Two life forces began to glow, at the edge of my twin rings' ability to detect them. This range coincided pretty closely to how far I could effectively shoot a bow. Taking out my map, I figured I was halfway down the slope from Harm's Folly towards Exhausted Mine. The glows were likely goblin sentries. I crouched and quietly moved among the bushes and boulders until I had an unobstructed long-range view from a hidden perch. The pinkish signs of life were near a rocky outcropping that could be the mine entrance.
I slid Slayer from my back, poisoned an arrow and nocked it. As I concentrated on the distant glows, they snapped into sharp focus. Two goblins all right. One had a short sword and shield; the other, a bow with no backup weapon. Normally, I would eliminate the ranged attacker first, but not today. After carefully aiming, I loosed my arrow at the sword-wielding goblin. The missile found its mark. His body jerked and turned a deeper shade of green. With my enhanced focus, I could see his mouth fly open, but at this range it was a silent cry. Within a few seconds, he collapsed.
His archer companion launched into a frenzy of activity, searching for me. Confident in my stealthy perch, I calmly watched and waited for him to give up. I used the time to reflect on my limited knowledge of goblins.
Not surprisingly, the Mystic Archives of the University had little information on goblins. I had fought them before, but not in large numbers. I had even, on more than one occasion, used them to improve my ability to block and effectively use my armor. What I knew about them was from limited first-hand experience, and a conversation I now recalled with a Bosmer goblin hunter named Parwen.
I first met the archer in Skingrad. As two she-elves with bows, we noticed each other in the West Weald Inn, and struck up a conversation. While breaking bread and enjoying a bottle of Tamika's together, I learned Parwen was a member of the Fighters Guild. She seemed quite familiar with hunting and killing local goblins - even to the point of sport.
Based, in part, on what she told me, I found goblins rather fascinating. They had a tribal system led by warlords, and territorial disputes were common. Known for coordinating their efforts and a cooperative social structure, they even farmed rats for food. Some of them, called shaman, could cast spells. Clearly, they had some of the characteristics of men and mer. They also, in many ways, had the nature of beasts - much of their behavior seemed instinctive. Likening them to extremely clever packs of wolves, I believed they lacked the free will of men and mer.
I might confess satisfaction - or even enjoyment - in killing evil beings that possessed a free will to choose their own path, such as necromancers or bandits. I took no more pleasure, however, in dispatching goblins than I did wolves or lions. Sometimes killing them was simply necessary. I had determined that, on behalf of Corrick Northwode, this was one of those times.
First though, I would ask the remaining single sentry in front of the mine to provide me with some training. After rummaging in my pack for a few moments, I stripped off my clothes and tugged on my black leathers. Poisoning the Blade of Woe, I grabbed my Leyawiin shield.
After shrouding myself with invisibility, I quickly scrambled down the hill to a location about thirty paces in front of the cave entrance.
Once in position, I launched a spell at the goblin, sacrificing the cover of invisibility. My new ally promptly sprinted to a position just in front of me and waited for my command. Making a small incision in the goblin's arm, I allowed the vile liquid on my blade to seep into his body. The poison would permanently reduce the goblin's strength, and therefore his ability to hurt me. I sheathed the dagger and quickly gulped down two shield potions. As my illusionary control faded, he raised his arms and shrieked a challenge.
At this range, the goblin ignored his bow and began pummeling my shield with his fists. I practiced keeping my elbow flexed and tried to deflect his blows, as Mazoga had taught me. Once satisfied, another burst of magicka rendered the skirmisher docile. Dropping the shield, I grabbed Slayer.
My arrow knocked him to the ground where he remained, writhing in pain. I quickly stopped his suffering with a second arrow. I did not hate goblins; rather, I respected them as creatures of nature, and worthy opponents. Besides, they had pointed ears just like me.
The training session helped my blocking. I had fought the goblin with my Blade of Woe sheathed. Not that I knew how to use a dagger of course, but I lamented the fact that I needed my hand empty to cast spells. I knew battlemages could loose devastating magic, even with a weapon in their hand, but I could not - yet.
There was so much more for me to master. That's why I sparred with goblins and lived with the bruises. It was the same reason I practiced with my bow, and cleared chapel undercrofts until the calluses on my bow fingers bled. Almost every night before I went to bed, I practiced spells, stopping only when my hands were magicka-burned.
Enough idle thinking Buffy. I turned my attention to the mine in front of me now.
The entrance was marked by the skulls of men and mer on stakes; I had learned this was a common totem used by goblins. Nearby, grew green stain cup, which was useful for poisons that could damage speed, or even kill. I also found summer bolete - a key ingredient for my shield potions. I gathered several samples of each.
After checking and repairing my equipment, I entered Exhausted Mine.