Heres a bug and issues list that id like to see get patched.
- Main Story issue with the Insitute, no matter what I do i cannot join them and they randomly attack me, I said Yes to fathers offer, met all the scientists, the quest "Insitutionalized" completed and if i talk to the synth gorila botanist everyone will turn on me and shoot me. Also the only quest i have after doing that is "Exit the Insitute" which makes me their enemy and they attack castle, if i return to Father after completing his quest, he says "have you reconsidered joining us" i say yes, he does the same dialog for the quest "go meet our scientists" and no quest begins, after that he does nothing but say "maybe someday our synths will retake the wasteland".
Some possible contributations to that bug: I joined BOS and Railroad, only BOS quest i did was kill the supermutants, Still on the railroad quest to give the prototype to the doctor, and I had the Minutemen help me build the transporter at sanctuary, also I put the holotape in the computer right after entering the insitute, other people claim they did that and where still able to join them.
- Preston Garvey routinly walks himself on the roof of your characters pre-war home and stands up there as if hes stuck.
- Hyde Park quest to clear out the raiders, A: There are no raiders in the city, just ghouls, B: the marker points towards the center of a sealed building C: There is absolutly no way to complete the quest, you can routinly return and they are never there, also a brotherhood guy in full powerarmor is usually patrolling the outermost paramiter.
- Some mobs are incredibly rigged for no apparent reason, i mean iv had a raider gun me down in two shots before while the other ones can unload on me and do relativly no damage, i beleive it has somthing to do with legendary explosive buffs effecting shotgun projectiles? Saw it on another post.
- Fairly confident the settlements happiness system is bugged, as even when everything is green and plentiful my people still fluxuate extremely in happyness, iv had sanctuary drop to 30% even though they had plenty of defence and everything and then randomly go back up to 70% without anything changing.
- Some objects in workshop areas cant be selected or deleted, lingering problem.
Non-Bug Issues:
- Kidnappings and settlement attacks are happening way to often, i dont want to spend 75% of my time on fallout 4 redoing the same things over and over again, i have a actual quests to do.
- Settlment building maximums(size) are rediculously low bethesda, I wanted to build sanctuary to be its namesake, completely surrounded by walls and turrets, but now that iv done that my size is capped and i cant build anything Inside my city.
- Named mobs at the Slog die too easily/quickly, tried to help them protect soon as i heard they where under attack, one of them got taken out before i could get from the fast travel spot to the attacker.
- terminals are far to slow bethesda, waiting 15 seconds between hitting "open door" and "unlocking maglocks..." is just sad and completely unreasonable, theres no reason for it, the mod that speeds it up has no defects or performance impacts, please just speed them up so we dont need a mod to do it.
- Finding the Insitute Coolant Pipe for attacking them back after they attack castle is completely undirected, i checked all the water near CIT and found nothing, also I can still fast travel directly to insitute and thats where the quest marker points to, my game is just broken, this is probably a secondary issue to my first bug.