Bug in For The Republic Part 2

Post » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:45 pm

I am having an issue in the quest For The Republic, Part 2. During the quest, i was taken captive by the Brotherhood of Steel and forced to remove an NCR Ranger named Dobson from a nearby bunker to prove your loyalty. As it was a NCR quest i decided not to kill him, but instead to talk to him. He removed my slave collar, and was hesitant to believe my story. He didn't believe they were actually BoS members in the bunker. He requested that i follow him to his bunker to discuss what happened in safety. After following him to his camp, he is supposed to talk with me about my captors. Unfortunately, even we reached the camp, he keeps repeating "Now now, calm down. I believe you saw something. Lets just head back to my camp, and we can figure out what it was. Okay?". He will not open a dialog box. What do i do? Is their a solution? Is it a random bug that only happened this one time or does it need to be patched? My most recent save was a fair number of quest back in the chain, and i don't want to have to redo several hours of work.
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Sweet Blighty
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