I'm really unsure whether or not this is bug, or intended blocking, but P.A.M. (in the Railroad HQ) will not allow me to turn in quests nor interact, save for a brief comment about a "Security lockdown is in effect. Communication impossible" or that "Security mode enabled. Voice interface is unavailable at this time", and finally "Intruder countermeasures active. This unit is incapable of voice communication."
I tried taking the last message literally, and looked at the inventories of all the members there for some clue that they were synth spies, but can't find anything. I'm also a member of the BoS, currently a paladin. I've stopped completeing quests with them before
Have I encountered a quest blocking bug, or do I need to perform something first? Since I last checked, there is little quest information on the wiki regarding quest IDs and stages, if anyone has any details on these, the console would probably help.