BUG ISSUE need to be FIX for SP & MP! (Gather All BUG ISSUE)

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:14 am

Hi everyone,

We've been noticing some complaints about not being in touch with the community in regards to current issues with Crysis 2 and the purpose of this thread is to assure that we are working hard on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.

The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is we reply to 1 thread and another 50 threads get put up straight afterwards. It is not humanly possible for us to post in even half of the threads that are being created, let alone most/all of them. To give an indication on how quickly threads are buried, this forum was created 4 days ago and there's now 1600+ threads and 12000+ posts. This amount of activity is great but it makes it difficult to communicate everything without having 20 stickies in each forum.

Please remain patient while we resolve these issues, we know a lot of you are very eager to jump in and play some games and we don't want to stop you from doing that at all. As soon as we've got any information we'll let you know via announcements, as always.
Hi everyone,
Let's help them made it clean and easy for CryTeck quickly to know the pc game BUG ISSUE that we (most of them) have it (if you got the same BUG as the Poster post it please don't double posting for this thread ... thank...
e.g; see the below list

For the Single Player BUG:
Nano catalyst points would not save.
Hey, Crytek, just got a few bugs I noticed. First, after replaying the game, Nano catalyst points would not save. It would say I got them during my 2nd playthrough, but the menu says I have 0 catalyst points. I can still use the mods i bought on my first playthrough, but the second's points aren't being recorded so I cant buy any new ones. Also, when you wake up after getting invaded by the spores the first time, where you kick off the little svcker guys, I always get an invisible gun. My hands are there, holding the gun, but I can't see it nor the crosshair. A switch of weps fixes it but its something you might want to check. Also, I commonly get these weapon locks, where I can't do anything with the weapon im holding. Once again, a switch fixes it but it becomes fatal in intense moments. Anyway, love the game. FIx some bugs and it'll be great.

Edit: Also, I noticed that when you bring your gun down from down the sights, it is very slow. As in I'll click the right mouse, and a second later my guy will bring the gun down. Its a bit annoying how slow it is, not sure how this helps but yeah. Just another thing you may want to fix.

For the Muitplayer BUG:
What is the BUG
HERE if you got?

NOTE: Let's patient & wait for CryTeck to reply and also the patient to wait Update Patch to be release. hopefully it can help those who got SAME BUG don't had to post/hunt it around all over the thread...you are not alone. (Seem I/We HAD PAY $$$$ for the LE version as nothing much I/We can do)
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:40 am

My failure mode on the disappearing nano points is quite different so I am mentioning it. In my game it started not even halfway through the first play through. In fact I was only able to buy the first armor and the first stealth upgrades before they stopped accumulating. This is much more serious.

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Joey Avelar
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:04 am

My failure mode on the disappearing nano points is quite different so I am mentioning it. In my game it started not even halfway through the first play through. In fact I was only able to buy the first armor and the first stealth upgrades before they stopped accumulating. This is much more serious.


Me too. I was lucky to get Nano Recharge, Mobility Enhance and Stealth Enhance, and then none of the nano points would save anymore. If I didn't have Nano Recharge I would be PISSED waiting all the **** time for the suit to recharge!

CryTek, get your **** together! Don't be like Japan with multiple meltdowns per day!
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