Unfortunately I'm not allowed to "link" my image here, so I'll do my best to describe it...
I've constructed a BOS sign with lightboxes, basically a sword with a ring around it and three gears. The ring and gears are linked together and the sword is by itself.
I've linked the sword to one terminal and the rest to another.
The problem is that when I activate the terminals, no matter which one, they will assign the color and brightness to ALL lightboxes.
I know this is a bug, because I've wired the separate lightboxes to each terminal.
As further proof, if I remove the wire from either terminal, the lightbox segment associated with it will go dark.
From the Fo4 reveal way back, there was a pixelated pipboy in different colors, so I *know* we should be able to assign different colors to separate lightboxes, so why doesn't this work?
My second issue is that while I was wiring the whole thing, a bug occurred where the sparks that come out of the wire you're placing, is now stuck in front of my building, constantly sparking and making noise.
While this is a fairly cool effect, it's also extremely annoying and the sparking noise will follow me no matter where I go, unless I save and load in a different location from Sanctuary.