Bug in Lonesome Road : impossible to use laser detonator

Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:43 am

Hi everyone

I have a bug in Lonesome road :
When I pick up the laser Detonator, everything is fine up to the point where I try firing it. ! This is not the bug where the game starts freezing at that point !

So when I try firing it, nothing happens. Then when I change my current weapon, the new weapon fires when I close or open my pipboy, but does not fire when I press my mouse button. This happens whatever the weapon.
If I try recharging a save that was done prior to getting the laser detonator, this save becomes infected with the same problem, and becomes unusable.
However, if the game is exited as soon as the bug happens, the savefiles stay ok, but the bug keeps happening when I pick up the laser detonator.

Needless to say, I'm stuck at this point and cannot play anymore. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the whole game and DLCs, but the bug is still here.

Has anyone got this bug, and knows how to fix it ? it's very frustrating that I can't play this DLC
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Steve Smith
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