See this video and tell me if is normal or not, the light in sanctuary is different and more cool, and in castle is so dark.
youtu . be/RLXHrxRqE2w
See this video and tell me if is normal or not, the light in sanctuary is different and more cool, and in castle is so dark.
youtu . be/RLXHrxRqE2w
I'm watching the video. It's hard to for to tell what the problem is, but are you lights just too far from the nearest power conduit?
u mean the light doesnt produce a cone of light effect right???
The light produce the effect, but is so dark, in sanctuary is more bright.
Oh I think I get it. Maybe this needs more research. Sanctuary is supposed to be a "safe place", but the castle is not. Maybe they have different lighting rules. For example, in the same weather at the same time of the night, are both places equally illuminated? Or does sanctuary have more natural night lighting than the castle?
But the other lights illuminate the same way, there is no difference by location, are only those lights.
I see now. I'd try it on my game but I'm five hours from home. Maybe someone else can try. I could in... um... 24 hours haha.
that must be a bug, however on Xbox One I've built plenty of lights in the castle and they've all worked try placing them closer to a power cable or connector maybe, otherwise looks like a bug
I have noticed this problem also, but only with spotlights. I will return to a settlement I placed spotlights in and they will not shine a cone like effect on surroundings. The light is on (but very dim) but does not illuminate whatever it scans. Only way I can get the effect back is to go into workshop mode, select it as if I was going to move it, and then just place it back down. Light and effect turns on and works grrr? very annoying because I love the look that spotlights create.