bug: patchy grey distant land textures & bright yellow d

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:36 am

Hey everyone- I'm wondering if any of you experienced troubleshooters recognize this error on sight. Basically the distant land texture appears as pictured here:


In terms of LOD mods, I use Reduced LOD BTQ512, Koldorn's Strong Noise Replacer, and AEVWD w/ fixes 0.1, all of which I've tried disabling and reinstalling in OBMM to no avail. As you can see, distant buildings are bright yellow as well, but turn to their normal color when I look directly at them. What's really weird is that the error occurs with and without OBGEv2 shaders enabled (was experimenting with cel shading when that shot was taken). In terms of mods recently added or deleted, I removed Optimized Distant Land Max, but ran TESLOD4GEN afterwards... that rebulids the LOD affected by OptDistLandMax, right?

Anyway, the issue is intermittent, which is bizarre, but not a gamebreaker. I'm just wondering if anyone has encountered this and knows a quick fix, or what I'm missing about the nature of the error at least. Thanks!
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:13 am

(Kinda) Verbatim from the Really AEVWD FAQ, to answer your yellow LOD buildings question:

The primary cause of this [yellow LOD Objects] are LOD meshes with specular data still attached. If that is not removed, you'll certainly be able to cause this to happen. It's pretty obvious, and is so far the only anomaly I've found that also works at night.

There is no quickfix for this, it's a flaw in the mod itself, so ditch it and download http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20053 instead.

Oh, and TES4LODGen has no influence over Landscape LOD, as it is handled seperately from objects. TES4LODGen only works with objects.

As for the "patchy grey" texture, that actually looks like snow (like, the snow you see on the Jerral Mountains). You might have a bad Landscape LOD texture there.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:36 am

Thanks for clearing up the TES4LODGEN misconception. In the case that someone else has the patchy grey distant land texture problem, double check your \Data\Meshes\Landscape\LOD folder... uninstalling Land Max doesn't remove those .nifs from the folder when you uninstall the OMOD.
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