I'm experiencing a bug where Farkas just wont stop talking to me. He'll even run up to me if I'm close by, behaving somewhat like a courier with severe dementia. I can't do the companions chain since I have to go with Farkas to Dustman's Cairn, and the constant dialogue menu is annoying to say the least. And I don't know whether to laugh or cry when Farkas spams me saying "I'm getting tired of standing around talking all day".
I started the companions chain and then left Vilkas waiting out in the courtyard for my trial while I went on other adventures, maybe that has caused it somehow? I am concidering getting the wabbajack to see if there may be a way for me to reset the talkative companion.
Thx for what is most likely the greatest game
Edit: Wabbajack seems to only cast destruction spells on Farkas.