the game is just released, and it just need to report a bug.
I wanted to play the campaign, started it and i also wanted to train myself, so i choosed the difficulty Post-Human. So, Intro-movie, first running around and killing some guys in stealth, all worked fine. After a while, i got outside, the CELL killed all friendlys on the boat and i needed to hack a terminal to open the door. Did it, got the message that the hack is deployed successfully, no door opened.
Remeber, difficultiy Post-Human.
So, i called the hotline, but as i thought, they had no conclusion for me.
The next step was my idea to play in an lower difficulty, so i choosed "Soldier".
Did the same, hacked the terminal, all successfull, and it worked.
Edit: Did the same for Super-soldier, same bad thing, the door does not go open.
Am i the only one with this bug at this difficulty?
Solution here: