PC bug report: stuck in map, then stuck in settings. Using R

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:00 pm

Hey Bethesda,
I'm happy with this game. This is the first bug I have to report. Compared to EA's Battlefield 2 and 3 where the list was on going and problems not always resolved, so far so good. So, the issue: I picked up a razer Onza xbox360 controller for my PC today as my palms were starting to hurt from resting on the tabletop for long hours. The game worked right away with the controller, just plug n play. The problem is, there is no button to get out of the map screen, or not one that I've found. So I was stuck in the map screen. To fix this I tried going to the settings menu within the map screen and went to turn the xbox360 controller settings off. Well, that didn't work, looks like I can't switch from mouse to controller on the fly. Okay. So I try to go back out of the settings menu so I can restart the game. No, can't do that either. Now I'm stuck in the settings menu. Okay. Well I can tab shift out of the game and then close the game from Windows, albeit without saving. That's it, I hope you can fix it. Also, I'm using valve's steam client. I've been kicked twice from the game while performing random actions such as jumping or running.
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Nikki Lawrence
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