1.2.37 - Bug Report

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:42 pm

PC platform:

- Lockpicking: While many controls were fixed with the first beta patch, Locks are still turned by using A and D keys regardless of keybinding.

- Within Pipboy map interface, left mouse button sometimes does not work properly to open up option menu for fast travelling when selecting a know destination (seems to be a recent sporadic issue)

- In Workshop mode, placing objects is hardwired to "E" key, scrapping hardwired to "R" key. Should be bound to Activate/Reload key?

- In most Workbenches (Armor, Weapon, Power Armor), "R" ist hardwired to "Scrap". Assume to be bound to "Reload" key?

- Within Perks-panel, Next rank / Prec rank of a perk is hardwired to left ALT or CTRL. Should be definable or wired to standard keybinding?

- When "Trading" with a settler, equipping an item on a trader is hardwired to "T" key, a key not used much anywhere else.

- Within VATS Interface, custom keybinding is completely ignored (which is a bit annoying as time does not freeze and therefore time is wasted finding the correct keys).

General observations:

- Somerville Place: When settlement is being attacked (quest), Super Mutants seem to spawn right next to the building when fast travelling to settlement. In my case fast travel target has been moved in front of the house.

- Active turret spotlights for Settlements do sometimes not emit any light (maybe platform issue)

- in workshop mode, moving already placed (working) ceiling lights sometimes light up in powered areas, sometimes not (minor cosmetic). Fixed after placement

- Sneaking detection seems to be very inconsistent (sometimes you may stand unnoticed in front of a Raider, in other cases you are detected barely within sniping range by e.g. a Molerat. Companion sneaking detection seems to have worsen since last Beta patch? (prior 1.2.37 Dogmeat seemed to be undetectable, now it is frequently detected)

- Settlers equip Power Armor upon settlement attack which is fine. However Power Armor is abandon somewhere on the settlement after fast travel which can be annoying.

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BrEezy Baby
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