A bug that never showed up till now...

Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:25 pm

The movement "sliding" bug. I just got Old World Blues from steam and now I am having issues with "Sliding" characters. From what I read, its when you look around while moving, and once you stop moving you "slide" ahead a few feet. I also read this was an engine issue, but I have NEVER seen it till now. I am not sure if it's a patch that you guys did or not because I have not played FFNV for awhile so it's odd that it got this bad.

Hell, my game was always so percise. Now it's almost unplayable. I did try to ignore it but every time I try to get an item or fight I keep sliding and messing up. It's quite annoying. The only thing I have read online that it's not fixable, or at least thats what I have been reading for the past hour trying to find a fix...

Is their no way to program a force stop with a patch or a mod? It does not look like a animation issue, since in 3rd person my character is doing the stop movement animation and not the walk animation.
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Lucie H
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Post » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:53 pm

Hm... not as bad anymore since I got rid of the animation mod I had. I can still see it, but it is certianly not as bad.
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