- Permanent (unwanted) +50 Acro skill
- Cannot equip Springheel Jak's boots
- Permanent -25 Health
- Cannot heal to full (ie will not heal beyond 375/400, though it shows green and restore effects do not work).
My character somehow has a (false) permanent +50 acrobatics skill, and is also suffering from a -25 health bufff, though health shows green, and I cannot heal further than max health - 25 pints (ie stuck at 375/400). I have tried all the shrine and restoration effects in-game, but I can't eliminate these two strange de/buffs. There is some kind of boots/sanguine quest bug that I may have encountered, which is pretty annoying: I'm jumping like a flea all over Cyrodiil and it's ridiculous. There are spells and potions for high-jumps as necessary, but as a constant effect, it's just broken. If anyone has a fix for these two oddities - removing some kind of invisible buff that's not based on gear - I would be most grateful.
Oh - I'm on PC and have full console access and will gladly 'cheat' to get my character back to normal stats.