20 bugs and things that can be improved.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:34 am

I got Fallout 4 on launch day and I love it. God knows how much time me and my girlfriend have put into the game.

There are however a few bugs and things that could be improved. We have been lucky not to hit any of the game breaking bugs a lot of people have had issues with, but there are a few things that do put a damper on the game play.

1. When entering power armour, a fusion core with 100% charge is always used. Meaning if you have removed fusion cores from your suits, you end with a long list of cores with different charge levels.

2. Fusion cores always sell for the same price wither they are 100% or 1% charged.

3. Things don't scrap back to what it took to make them. Things should scrap back to some of what it took to make them. For example pylons and generators should give some copper back.

4. Protagonist randomly spins around every now and then.

5. Just after fast travelling then looking down a scope, the protagonist appears to launch into the sky and ends up spawning somewhere random near by. Often the loading symbol will appear in the bottom right cornet once or twice for a few seconds.

6. There is no way to tell what resources are available to you, without going into build mode and selecting an item that uses the resource you want to check. A resource summary in the workbench which shows how much copper, plastic, etc… is available would be handy.

7. Holding X should be the way to sit or sleep. This way you won't end up sitting down when trying to collect junk near chairs, booths, beds, etc…

8. Holding X should also be used to enter power armour, as any other container uses X to take one item. With power armour you end up entering it instead of taken the item you want.

9. When removing items from a container and the list gets short, the selected item moved up instead of down when you remove an item. This often causes you to remove the wrong item when quickly taking stuff.

10. An option to take all from the selected category would be good. E.g. if you had Junk selected, pressing square should take all from Junk, while holding square should take everything from the container.

11. Pit boy does not always open. Sometimes need to toggle the view in order to get it to open.

12. Can't scrap power armour at power armour station like you do with other armour at armour work bench.

13. Item names can get very long. Alternatives or abbreviations should be used. E.g. Lightweight could be Lightened or L. W.

14. Mods are added to inventory, but can be removed and they still say on the weapon. Really don't under stand how that works. Mods should be attached to the gun until removed then the mod itself should show up.
- Think this one is my mistake and it's old mods that are being put into my inventory. Just waiting to doublt check it.

15. Shacks already in settlements cant be modified. Being able to remove the roof to add a story or even completely remove them should be an option with most. Also you cannot add doors to buildings such as the houses at Sanctuary Hills.

16. The settlers at Sanctuary Hills stand hammering at walls without actually fixing thing. After a few weeks of playing the game this gets annoying.

17. Companions constantly make comments about picking up junk. Since they are life long wastlanders, they should know the value of junk. Again this gets annoying after the 100th time of being asked why your taking something.

18. Companions cannot be told to be aggressive, defensive, etc... like in 3 and NV. This is a nightmare when your companion decides to go running after a Deathclaw.

19. There is no way to tell where you sent a companion. At least when hovering over a settlement in the map, there should be an icon to signal there is a companion there.

20. Trading stands sometimes become unusable. When you try talk to the settler working the stand it just goes to their inventory and you cannot barter with them. Also you can' select the stand in build mode to move it or assign a new settler to try fix the

So there we go. If you are going to discuss one of these things, please quoat the item or at least specify the number so everyone knows exactly what your replaying to.

Should mention I'm on PS4 with everything I mention.


Was not planning on this being a running list of bug's or improvment ideas, but some uses have posted with additional things so I'll add them here.

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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:35 am

Repairs to Sanctuary happenover time
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:06 pm

I've not noticed anything changing, does stuff really get fixed?

They have been hammering away at the same fan on the wall, just in front of the weapons work bench, for weeks and all it has done is annoy me while working :P.

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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:21 am

Walls and ceilings are all repaired in my main house (wokshop location) in Sanctuary. There are no longer gaps inthe walls and I'm pretty sure at least one window has been boarded up.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:49 am

Hmm, well that's good. Would be better if they worked on one part till it was finishes instead of randomly hammering.

I've not noticed a change in any building and not got any boarded up windows.

Would be good if you could actually fund rebuilding the settlements permanent buildings and get a load done at once.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:34 am

- Dean Volkert dont heal you anymore after you finished the Institute Main Quest

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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:32 am

Was not planning on this being a running bug topic, but I'll add your bug to the main post encase others want to discuss it.

If anyone else wants to add to the list then I'll be happy to.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:18 pm

For 13, can't you just rename the weapon/armor yourself to what ever you want?

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Setal Vara
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:05 pm


But when you have your Chest, Helmet, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Arm and Right Leg armour parts, then it is a bit of a pain. Especially if you are playing on a console (Let's not get into the whole console PC thing here).

Then you have your selection of weapons to edit the names of as well.

A bit of clever naming in the code is an easy change that would save a hell of a lot of time.
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April D. F
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:19 am

the Mods in your inventory are the ones, that you don't use at that time

Mods on your weapons are on your weapons and don't show up in the Mods section of your pipboy

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Lauren Graves
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:52 pm

Hmm, I'll need to look at that one again. I've seen myself mod my Power Armour (parts with no mods yet) and then the mods are added to my inventory... or so I thought anyway.

Should mention I'm on PS4 with everything I mention.
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:02 pm

So basically there is a fix for it you just can't be bothered? I'd rather not have to guess what L.W. means.

As for #10 you can take all just not from the quick loot menu. If you transfer into the pipboy loot menu (on PCs it's R) you can use the transfer all button, I believe it's the same one as the one to enter the loot menu.

And for #9 a simple solution is to go just a bit slower instead of blowing through it as fast as possible.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:41 am

when you mod something, you should get the standard parts that were used before into your PipBoy... the 'old' ones that you removed by upgrading it ^^

at least that's how it works for weapons

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:52 pm

Like I said, it's a simple fix that would save players a lot of time. Using Lightened or even just Light saves a lot a characters and is still perfectly understandable. These are my suggestions, not all or any are perfect, but I feel they are all reasonable. And the same goes for my solutions to them, they probably have room for improvement.

The quick loot, or "Transfer All Junk" as I think you mean, does not work when you have given your companion all you junk and need to sit tapping X to get it all back so you don't take their armour off them. Being able to remove all items form a subgroup would make it a lot easier.

No matter how slow you go you can still just miss an item and end up having to go though the sit down and stand up animations. Again this is a personal suggestion that would make my gaming experience better and I rarely want to sit down.

That one is my mistake then. Once I double check it later I'll remove it from my list. Thanks for the info :).

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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:41 pm

The game prioritizes containers over combat, so if you kill someone and try to use stimpak hockeyed, you are in the container screen and just move down the list.

Overseer's Guardian doesn't fire an extra projectile unless in automatic mode, it doesn't shoot 2 bullets when molded for non automatic.
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