Personally i had no problems with the game, until the DLC..
I collected everything, did everything in the entire game, all unique weapons etc (PS3)
100% Trophys, everything..
My save file, this is after ive done everything 100%, including DLC, is 16mb...
Which, for a game, is pretty HUGE!
Now, every time i load that save, it freezes almost instantly, or lags, then freezes, either way, there is no point in loading it up, until you want your PS3 to freeze, but it doesn't bother me, because i achieved EVERYTHING in the game, got everything out of it..
Now, Fallout New Vegas, im doing the same, collecting everything, doing everything (Though obviously not all quests are possible on one save file

Ive been playing 80 Hours, not bored yet, its just fun wandering around, finding things, still have alot of side quests to do, but im saving them for a rainy day..
My save file is 11mb..
Its getting rather ridiculous now, freezes around 5-7 times in around 4 hour play periods..
My pipboy lags, sometimes..
My game lags, hold down the PS3 button, nothing.. Go to reset PS3, it works..
The freezing doesnt bother me, but it does, because i just cannot be bothered to load the save up, so i play another game, which ill get into..
Im kinda, worried, that if these problems are not fixed soon, my patience will wear thin with this game..
& By the looks of it, the games is done with me collecting things, my save gets over 15mb, most likely will be unplayable..
Which is, well quite frankly [censored] [censored].
They screwed up Fallout 3, though still was an awesome game, they hyped New Vegas up SO much, but it was the let down of 2010..
They didnt fix the bug on Fallout 3, i doubt they will on New Vegas..
Its so full of bugs, it pisses me off, im there shooting some fire ants, WITH A [censored] ROCKET LAUNCHER, POINT BLANK [censored] RANGE, and there just not dying, well there HP bar is empty, but when you go into VATS, its still full, even though i loaded them with 20 rockets..
One minute, roaming the wastes, the next, resetting PS3 due to crash..
SO many bugs..
Why release a game just for the holiday season to earn more profit..
Finish the [censored] game properly, you dont see these problems with PS1/PS2 games, i know there not as technologically advanced compared to PS3 (360 are just.. lol)
But still, its a joke. & Bethesda/Obsidian are loosing ALOT of fans over it..
Its like PES11, (Dont know if your allowed to bring other games into the forum, still)
Everytime i check my scout list, it freezes my PS3, after 7 seasons of ML..
Won't see me playing that game, i loved PES, hated FIFA, but looks like there is only one alternative.
I brought, the game, and collectors guide, the guide is as much fail as the game, its [censored], i know its hard work writing these things, but half the stuff is, well lies, technically, as the things/places/people just are not there..
Dinner Bell At Old Nuclear Test Site ?
Yeah, right.. You get it from a quest, as i figured out myself.
But, after that, i love Fallout, i have them all, but it still is an amazing game, even though there are bugs/glitches that [censored] you around and piss you off.
Rant over..

I actually feel better after that, please dont flame me, as the above is MY personal opinion, which you cannot judge, unless you judge people on a regular basis, in that case, your a waste of a human being! :mellow: