A extreme case I saw was a guy that shoots his last bullet using the snipper rifle, and the guy die 2 seconds later while the snipper was reloading the rifle, that was a last kill replay so he (the snipper) suppose to be the one who killed him, I'm clarifying just in case someone was thinking about showing up with some theory about another guy shooting him while the snipper was reloading.
I also notice that sometimes doing almost any effort to aim my target I can kill an enemy, something that was almost impossible in Crysis 1.
Another complain I have is related to the accuracy of the weapons I saw guys that are able to kill someone at the other side of the map doing almost no effort to aim the target and this time i'm not talking about the snipper rifle i'm talking about all the other weapons.
The maximum speed, should be rename as maximum slow (if you don't agree check Crysis 1, Ferret's Place server for Crysis Wars for example).
Hey and what about the melee, i saw some replays where the guy that killed me was facing the wall I was at his left or right side and he could kill me by punching the wall, WTF!.
Related to the nanovision. There are some player that doesn't show any heat while you are using the nanovision is that a bug or what?
I will continue reporting anything that I think could be a bug on this thread.