This game is a god send compared to a game that's milking their community for money by only giving them 4 maps and making them pay for more. The pre-order sales were down big time so ranked matches are empty. Melee is even more powerful then in Crysis (never thought I would say that). The controls were changed and not many people like it. People have thread after thread about how they dis-like that game, it's insane I have brought ever Gears in limited or Epic Edition, now this is just a "maybe I'll rent" LOL. Most of my friends say while its cool the first time around, it gets lame quick.
So...for those who thought Crysis has problems, Epic has a bigger one, and it started in their demo lol.
Fix your bugs Crytek, your ahead of the game, fix them and you be on your way catch up with another franchise.