PC bugs on lighthouse! Uknown objects in the way...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:27 am

I did a lot of sniping on Lighthouse since the release of the game and became my favorite map, and probably for many others, to snipe in. After a good while I decided to show a video of a few spots that are a problem and are glitched.

Here is a video I made to show these spots which can give the opposite sniper the 100% advantage:


(I posted in PC section because I assume it's only PC and that is where the video is taken place at)
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:22 am

I did a lot of sniping on Lighthouse since the release of the game and became my favorite map, and probably for many others, to snipe in. After a good while I decided to show a video of a few spots that are a problem and are glitched.

Here is a video I made to show these spots which can give the opposite sniper the 100% advantage:


(I posted in PC section because I assume it's only PC and that is where the video is taken place at)

who cares we have a new mappack.... altho that is what cytek is thinking atm.

this game have tons of problems errors glitches bugs but they dont care they just make mappacks for 10 euro.

this game is dead for me gl for everyone who gonna pay for this DLC.
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 pm

no more money for CrEAtek
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:16 am

I have experienced this myself - shooting away at a sniper on the tower and seemingly unable to hit him through the window only for him to notice me and OHK me.

However, in the first clip you were quite a distance away from your target. I would expect bullet deviation and drop to have an effect on shots at that range but I don't know if Crysis2 has these mechanics. I am going on experience with BF where these things have to be considered.

As for the transparent texture - in BF there is a deflection algorithm that decides whether or not your bullet hit the bars or went straight through. Again I don't know if these mechanics are in the CryEngine.
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Killah Bee
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