Username- Auto_Matix
Fixes Of Crysis 3 Multiplayer
-Weapon Attachments And Perks Dont Reset right when u prestige u have to reset your console befor it sets your guns and perks back to tier 1
-Host Migration kicks single players out of games
-Host Migration cant find hosts 50% of the time
-Swarmer Glitches On Screen When Pulled Out Bullet Readings Are Off When Hitting Target
-Mics dont show up when in squads
-Armor depletes all the way down when shot once
-Stealth transition gets stuck and u cant switch into stealth
-Most hosts of a lobby give every player 1 bar of connection and makes people skip across the screen
-The lobby runs threw an entire game with 1 bar connections and never migrates to the best host in the lobby
-Stealth Can Be Seen From Far Away With No Scopes
-Emp Glitches Out And U Cant Use It 25% of the time mostly right after u die
-Emp glitches out and gives people there energy back in a matter of seconds
-Emp life is to short
-Orbital Strike Move To Slow
-You get 2 radars in one life 10% of the time
-Kill Cams Are incorrect on the viewers screen
-Armor energy gets drained when shot from stealth and when u shoot from stealth
(I'm not shur if that's a fix or not)
I would really like it for u to get back to me on this my email is These are most of the problems I can think of. This game can become great with minor fixes and fresher connections to hosts. Everyone needs to work together and let the crysis team know what to fix and improve to make this great game exceed to the next level.