Build for JSawyer

Post » Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:50 am

I'm taking another run through FNV on hardcoe (no fast travel) with JSawyer's mod. This is the cowboy build with which I'm starting:

Good Natured and Wild Wasteland
Sneak, Survival, and Repair
S 3
P 5
E 5
C 3
I 10
A 7
L 7
Light Touch
Black Widow
Silent Running
Hand Loader
Weapon Handling
Better Criticals
Jury Rigging
Piercing Strike
Tunnel Runner
Travel Light
Thought you Died (good karma)
The plan was to go from 9mm->Lucky->That Gun for a pistol then Varmint Rifle->Ratslayer->Medicine Stick for the rifle. At some point, I'd pick up Chance's Knife for Melee SAC, though I'm thinking I could do without it entirely. The low strength is pretty rough (80lbs. carry weight)
Regardless, I'm thinking of restarting. I'm not far in, so it's no big loss. Not that I'm having any particular trouble with it, but the concept seems a little loose and I'm looking for something that is stronger, RP-wise. I like the cowboy theme, but I also like sniping and stealthy backstabbing (in fact, most of my kills are from SACs). These two concepts probably don't work together (a ninja cowboy?). In any event, being that it's JSawyer's mod (which is a game changer, IMO), I'm looking for something that fits in with those changes (though not necessarily makes it easier), and is still fun to play. I'm attached to my Traits (Good Natured and Wild Wasteland), and high INT (I'm a completionist so I need lots of skills for various conversation/quest checks).
The hardest thing about this build isn't hunger and thirst, but the carry weight. I'm almost tempted to do Melee only (single weapon), as then I don't have to worry about carrying a rifle and pistol plus ammo. However, I'll then need to wear heavier armor (this character is only wearing clothing) as I'll be taking more hits trying to close the gaps. So, the other thought was to ditch melee, and focus more on the guns/cowboy theme and not worry about anything melee related. Would that change much? Even if I drop melee, I'd still like to be able to sneak around a bit. Ninja and Piercing Strike would likely just become, I dunno, Pack Rat? Something else?
Anyway, I'm open to suggestions. What do you think? Thanks.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:57 pm

I thought this was something about making a J. Sawyer character in Vegas.

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helen buchan
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Post » Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:41 pm

Josh Sawyer mod was a mod made from the lead director for New Vegas. The mod is not supported by the company since it is not official.


To the OP. I would think a Strength of 3 is not going to workout that well in hardcoe since your carrying weight is going to be very low and since as far as I remember everything has weight. I believe you can get a backpack to help carry extra weight but at the beginning is when you need extra weight since you do not have the resources to get your hands on things that increases your strength. I Would just go with one Firearm and a melee/unarmed to take out the trash monsters. I would lower Intelligence down a few points and place them into Strength and maybe a point or two into Endurance.

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Steve Bates
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