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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:54 am

Ok so the idea is a melee explosive build thats with the legion. I don't know what the SPECIAL should be or what third skill to tag besides melee and explosives. Any help would be very nice thanks.
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:37 am

Ok so the idea is a melee explosive build thats with the legion. I don't know what the SPECIAL should be or what third skill to tag besides melee and explosives. Any help would be very nice thanks.

S: 9
P: 5
E: 9
C: 5 (you may want to drop charisma and boost other stats, you can easily blow up companions w/ explosives.)
I: 7
A: 5
L: 1

.Heavy Handed
.Whatever else.

Perks: All explosive perks
All melee perks (Youll need good unarmed skill aswell)
All defense and health increasing perks you can get

Skills: Melee
Unarmed (needed for melee perks) or Barter (Explosives cost a lot)

Strategy: Cripple and damage your openents with explosives then clean them up with melee.

If youre going with Legion, upon a speech check with the Centurion at cottonwood cove, Decanus Severus will trade NCR dog tags for grenades.

Make friends with the Boomers, they sell grenades missiles and even mini nukes in addition to launchers etc. :flamethrower:

Explosives is the most powerful combat skill when applied properly. Don't blow yourself up! :shocking:

Enjoy! :foodndrink:
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:33 am

S: 9
P: 5
E: 9
C: 5 (you may want to drop charisma and boost other stats, you can easily blow up companions w/ explosives.)
I: 7
A: 5
L: 1

.Heavy Handed
.Whatever else.

Perks: All explosive perks
All melee perks (Youll need good unarmed skill aswell)
All defense and health increasing perks you can get

Skills: Melee
Unarmed (needed for melee perks) or Barter (Explosives cost a lot)

Strategy: Cripple and damage your openents with explosives then clean them up with melee.

If youre going with Legion, upon a speech check with the Centurion at cottonwood cove, Decanus Severus will trade NCR dog tags for grenades.

Make friends with the Boomers, they sell grenades missiles and even mini nukes in addition to launchers etc. :flamethrower:

Explosives is the most powerful combat skill when applied properly. Don't blow yourself up! :shocking:

Enjoy! :foodndrink:

It's a barter not speech check and you need 6 agility to get the implant by level 24 to get slayer and get unarmed to 80 by 12 for piercing strikes make sure to kill alot of ncr because after the barter check of 35 it costs 3 dog tags to get 1 grenade/dynamite. and get chances knife early just get a stealth boy and stealth up to his grave and get the knife(you need a shovel). kill powder gangers for their dynamite and do every thing that Ouchobrain said
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:57 am

if he gets chances knife, and then Books it down that Trail, and survives... Take an Immediate right where the vipers are hanging out (Bonnie springs?) and kill the chick wearing the Combat Armor, and BAM! Love & Hate. one of the best Unarmed weapons in the Game from level 4-16ish. You will also get some other awesome loot such as Grenade rifles, and Frags.

But use Charisma as a dump stat. Hit the Deck will help you Tremendously, along with Spray n' Pray... BUT! I have found it's much better not to use Followers with Explosives builds. I think Raul will be your best bet...
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