I want to make a Dunmer who specialized in: Destruction, One-Hand, Conjuration, Archery, Sneak, and Possibly Enchanting/Smithing....Is this too much?
What should I look forward to regarding build?
Flames/Shock/Forstbite (depending on foe/s) in Left hand, and Axe in Right hand (for bleed)
Hotkey a Conjuration Spell - Flames gets switched for a second
Destruction - Idealy don't go into Duel Casting, and no points into the skills after the +25%/+50% on spells.
One Handed - Armsman 5/5 - Hack and Slash 3/3 - FINISHED - thats it keep what stamina you have for sprinting in battle
or, you can try to just go with Conjured Weapons, but i've never used any Conjuration spell so far (and its only an extra 2-3 points if you go into One Haned instead, and far more reliable, and you'll level up more with using an aditional skill tree)
Conjuration - Low priority on duration skills (example Summoner/Atromancy/Necromancy, but try to get skills that do somthing asap like Elemental Potency/Dark Souls
You explore dungeons in Sneak, with Bow drawn, and switch to your
main combat form when you have to.
Sneak - Stealth 1/5 - Muffeled Movement 1/1 - ..after that low priority cos you have to go through backstab - Backstab 1/1 - Deadly Aim 1/1 - FINISHED
Bow - Overdraw 5/5 - Eagle Eye 1/1 - Steady Hand
Minimum points in Enchanting are: Enchanter 1/5 - Soul Squeezer 1/1 - Soul Siphon 1/1
(it should not take priority after getting the first skill Enchanter 1/5, you can go deeper into it later once your done your main build)
Smithing: you should try to keep it up sence you can upgrade your gear x2
Depending on wich armor you choose Light or Heavy
put minimal points into it and only 1-3 in the first skill
if you have spare skill points(Your other trees are priority since you wont be standing still most of the time, but you do need a point or two here or you will be
literaly one-two shoted on occasion)
Don't go Alteration you need your mana.
Light Armor Pros - Stamina regen (you don't need) - Faster (shouldn't matter)
(optinal with light or heavy: use a spell casters hood, you'll be a lil faster and the magica is debatably more useful then the aditional armor)Heavy Armor Pros - 50% less stagger - Slower (you can avoid this by not having a helmet for the early game - wich ties in nicly with the option of using a spell casters hood instead of an armored helmet)
- with no heavy helmet you will have about the same armor and speed as full light armor -
(Stay away from Matching Set bonuses, as its only 5% more then the first skill and restrics you to only light or heavy armor, and full sets of wich)
Don't skill up Stamina at all.
Go back and forth between Health and Mana.
Prioritizing Health, but making sure you
have enough mana to play correctly.
Play on Master difficulty - you'll get the most out of your battles (as they should be quite fun)
Only problem with this build is you may want to put 1-3 points into Restoration but
that will harm how much mana you have, skill points, and more hotkeys and so on, as long as you try to keep a Conjuration up as a meat shield you should be fine
It should be mentioned that in Restoration you can get +25%/+50% mana regen, but you shouldn't need it on top of your enchants and gear and what not (somthing to consider after your main build)
Place your skills as you need them as you play, going with what you realy need firstbut take some time before you put any point in and see what points you'd like to focus on getting asap